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Company Registration No. N/A

Announcement submitted on behalf of FORTUNE REAL ESTATE INV TRUST

Announcement is submitted with respect to *


Announcement is submitted by * Anthony Ang

Designation * Director and Chief Executive Officer

Date & Time of Broadcast 13-Jan-2012 18:15:28

Announcement No. 00083

>> Announcement Details

The details of the announcement start here ...



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13 Jan 12

The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.

Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust

(a Hong Kong collective investment scheme authorized under section 104

of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong))

(Stock Code: 778)

Managed by

ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited


Fortune REIT is making arrangements as detailed herein to ascertain the preference of Unitholders with respect to the election of language and means of receipt of future Corporate Communication.


In order to reduce paper consumption for environmental reasons and to save printing and mailing costs for the benefit of Unitholders, Fortune REIT proposes to provide Unitholders with a choice of receiving future Corporate Communication (i) by electronic means through Fortune REIT's website at www.fortunereit.com; or (ii) in printed form, either in English version only, or in Chinese version only, or in both English and Chinese versions.


To ascertain the preference of Unitholders with respect to the election of language and means of receipt of future Corporate Communication, the following arrangements will be made by Fortune REIT in accordance with Rules 2.07A and 2.07B of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, as if they were applicable to real estate investment trusts authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission:
(1) On or about 13 January 2012, Fortune REIT will send a letter (the "First Letter") together with a reply form (the "Reply Form") and a postage pre-paid envelope, in both English and Chinese, to Unitholders to enable them to elect any one of the following options for receipt of future Corporate Communication:
(i) the printed English version only; or
(ii) the printed Chinese version only; or
(iii) both the printed English and Chinese versions; or
(iv) the electronic version posted on Fortune REIT's website at www.fortunereit.com(the "Website Version") in place of receiving printed copies, and to receive a printed notification letter when Corporate Communication is published on Fortune REIT's website.

If a Unitholder's duly completed and signed Reply Form is not received by Fortune REIT on or before 10 February 2012, such Unitholder will be deemed to have consented to Website Version only. A printed notification letter will be sent to such Unitholder by post after the relevant Corporate Communication is published on Fortune REIT's website.

(2) For Unitholders who choose to receive the future Corporate Communication in printed form, Fortune REIT will send the selected language version(s) of the Corporate Communication to those Unitholders who have made a language selection unless and until they notify the Unit Registrar by reasonable prior notice in writing or by email to fortunereit.ecom@computershare.com.hk, that they wish to receive future Corporate Communication in the other language or both languages, or by electronic means through Fortune REIT's website.
(3) As and when each printed future Corporate Communication is sent out in accordance with the arrangements described above, a letter (the "Second Letter"), together with a request form (the "Request Form") and a postage pre-paid envelope, in both English and Chinese, will be attached to the relevant Corporate Communication, specifying that the Corporate Communication prepared in the other language will be available upon request, and that the Unitholders may at any time by reasonable notice in writing by completing and returning the Request Form to the Unit Registrar or sending a notice by email to fortunereit.ecom@computershare.com.hkchange their choice of means of receipt and/or language of future Corporate Communication.
(4) For Unitholders who choose (or are deemed to have chosen) to receive future Corporate Communication by electronic means through Fortune REIT's website, Fortune REIT will, as and when the Corporate Communication is published on Fortune REIT's website, mail a printed notification letter to such Unitholders by post.
The notification will provide information on where to access the relevant Corporate Communication posted on Fortune REIT's website. If for any reason, any of these Unitholders has difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the Corporate Communication, or wishes to receive a printed version, he/she will promptly upon request to the Unit Registrar be sent a printed version free of charge.
(5) Unitholders can at any time by providing reasonable prior notice in writing to the Unit Registrar or by email at fortunereit.ecom@computershare.com.hk, change their choice of language and/or means of receipt of future Corporate Communication.
(6) All future Corporate Communication in both English and Chinese versions will be available on Fortune REIT's website at www.fortunereit.comand the website of the Stock Exchange at www.hkexnews.hk.
(7) Fortune REIT is providing a hotline service at Tel. No.: (852) 2862 8688 during business hours (from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) to enable Unitholders to make enquiries in respect of Fortune REIT's above proposed arrangements.
(8) The First Letter and the Second Letter will mention that future Corporate Communication in both languages will be available on Fortune REIT's website and that the dial-up enquiry service has been provided.


In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:

By order of the board of directors of

ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited

(in its capacity as manager of Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust)

ANG Meng Huat, Anthony

Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

Hong Kong, 13 January 2012

The Directors of the Manager as at the date of this announcement are Mr. Chiu Kwok Hung, Justin (Chairman), Mr. Lim Hwee Chiang, Mr. Ip Tak Chuen, Edmond and Ms. Yeung, Eirene as Non- executive Directors; Mr. Ang Meng Huat, Anthony and Ms. Chiu Yu, Justina as Executive Directors; Mr. Lim Lee Meng, Mrs. Sng Sow-Mei (alias Poon Sow Mei) and Mr. Lan Hong Tsung, David as Independent Non-executive Directors; and Mr. Ma Lai Chee, Gerald as Alternate Director to Mr. Ip Tak Chuen, Edmond.


Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust

(a Hong Kong Collective Investment Scheme authorized under section 104

of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the laws of Hong Kong))

(stock code: 778)

Managed by

Dear Unitholder,

ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited

Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communication

13 January 2012

In order to reduce paper consumption for environmental reasons and to save printing and mailing costs for the benefit of holders of unit(s) (the "Unitholders") of Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust ("Fortune REIT"), we are writing to invite you to elect the language and/or means of receipt of Corporate Communication(s) of Fortune REIT (the "Corporate Communication") to be dispatched to Unitholders in the future.

Corporate Communication refers to any document to be issued by or on behalf of Fortune REIT for the information or action of Unitholders, including but not limited to: (a) the directors' report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors' report and, where applicable, its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and, where applicable, its summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form. You may choose to receive future Corporate Communication in any one of the following manners:

(1) the printed English version only; or

(2) the printed Chinese version only; or

(3) both the printed English and Chinese versions; or

(4) the electronic version posted on Fortune REIT's website at www.fortunereit.com(the "Website Version") in place of receiving printed copies, and to receive a printed notification letter when Corporate Communication is published on Fortune REIT's website.

To make your election, please mark "X" in the appropriate box on the enclosed reply form (the "Reply Form") and sign and return it by post using the mailing label at the bottom of the Reply Form (a stamp is not needed if posted in Hong Kong) or by hand delivery to Fortune REIT's Hong Kong Unit Registrar (the "Hong Kong Unit Registrar"), Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

If we do not receive the duly completed and signed Reply Form or receive a response indicating any objection from you by

10 February 2012, you will be deemed to have consented to Website Version only. A printed notification letter of the publication of Corporate

Communication will be sent to you by post after the relevant Corporate Communication is published on Fortune REIT's website.

If you choose to receive future Corporate Communication in printed form, Fortune REIT will send the selected language version(s) of the Corporate Communication to you unless and until you notify the Hong Kong Unit Registrar in writing or via email at fortunereit.ecom@computershare.com.hkthat you wish to receive future Corporate Communication in the other (or both) language(s) or by electronic means through Fortune REIT's website (i.e. the Website Version).

You have the right at any time, by reasonable prior notice in writing to the Hong Kong Unit Registrar or via email at the email address as indicated above specifying your name, address and request, to change the choice of language and/or means of receipt of future Corporate Communication. Even if you have chosen (or are deemed to have consented) to receive future Corporate Communication by electronic means but for any reason have difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the Corporate Communication, you will promptly upon request be sent the Corporate Communication in printed form free of charge.

Please note that (a) printed copies of the English and Chinese versions of all Corporate Communication will be available from Fortune REIT or the Hong Kong Unit Registrar on request; and (b) the same will also be available on Fortune REIT's website at www.fortunereit.comand the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at www.hkexnews.hk.

Should you have any queries in relation to this letter, please call Fortune REIT's telephone hotline at (852) 2862 8688 during business hours from

9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of

ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited

(in its capacity as manager of Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust) ANG Meng Huat, Anthony

Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

To: Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust ("Fortune REIT") (Stock Code: 778)

c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

17M Floor, Hopewell Centre,

183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Reply Form