Shareholders in Federal Grid Company (FGC) elected six new members for the 11-member board of directors at their annual shareholders meeting. New directors are former Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko; Georgy Boos, currently chairman of Russian Grids; Pavel Grachev, head of the Far East and Baikal Development Fund; Russian Grids executive director Andrei Murov; System Operator first deputy CEO Nikolai Shulginov; and Sergei Serebryannikov, rector of the Moscow Energy Institute in 2005-2013. Not re-elected were Andrei Malyshev of E4 Group and formerly of Rusnano; SUEK chief executive Vladimir Rashevsky; KFK Consult deputy CEO Rashid Sharipov; UCP head Ilya Scherbovich; System Operator CEO Boris Ayuyev; and Russian Regional Development Bank head Yelena Titova.