Information pursuant to sections 243c and 267b of the UGB (Austrian Commercial Code)

Fabasoft AG is a stock corporation under Austrian law. The company's shares are traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the Prime Standard market segment as part of the regulated market.

Pursuant to the Austrian Stock Corporation Act, the Managing Board manages the company without instructions under its own responsibility as required by the best interests of the company, considering the interests of the shareholders and employees in particular. The Supervisory Board supervises the management of the company and supports the Managing Board in decisions of fundamental importance.

Pursuant to Section 243c of the UGB (Austrian Commercial Code), a stock corporation whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market must prepare a Corporate Governance Report.

As an Austrian company, Fabasoft AG is not obliged to issue a declaration of conformity pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act. Nevertheless, in view of its stock market listing in Germany, Fabasoft AG voluntarily commits to the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code in the version adopted on 28 April 2022 and published in the (German) Federal Gazette on 27 June 2022 (hereinafter referred to only as the "German Corporate Governance Code") to the extent of the respective declaration of conformity. This Code is available at

Principles of corporate governance

Fabasoft AG has pursued a strategy of sustainable and long-term value development for many years. As a result of its chosen listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Fabasoft AG already complied with many of the now implemented requirements prior to the development of the national Corporate Governance Codes and before domestic implementation of the Transparency Directive.

The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board are committed to the responsible management and control of Fabasoft AG and its subsidiaries. The value-oriented principles of good corporate governance are an essential part of this corporate policy. The essential contents defined in the German Corporate Governance Code have therefore been part of Fabasoft AG's corporate and management culture for many years and contribute to strengthening investor confidence.

The German Corporate Governance Code is based on the provisions of German Stock Corporation, Stock Exchange and Capital Market Law as well as the OECD Guidelines for Corporate Governance. The recommendations of the Code gain validity through the voluntary commitment of the companies.



  1. Declaration of Conformity with the German Corporate Governance Code

Managing Board and Supervisory Board last issued the following declaration of conformity in March 2024:

The Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG declare as follows:

As Fabasoft AG has its registered office in Austria, it is not obliged to issue a declaration of conformity in accordance with Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act. As a company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG declared in March 2023 that in future they would voluntarily submit to the German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated 28 April 2022 (pub- lished in the German Federal Gazette on 27 June 2022) with the exceptions described therein. This declaration of conformity is to be submitted annually and is now renewed as follows:

Declaration of Conformity with the German Corporate Governance Code

The Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG declare their compliance with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code in accordance with Section 243c of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB):

The Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG have complied with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code since the last Declaration of Conformity was issued in March 2023, unless a deviation is explicitly declared below and provided that this does not violate mandatory Austrian law.

Fabasoft AG declares a deviation from recommendations D.4 (Formation of a Nomination Committee), G.3 (Peer Group Comparison of Managing Board Remuneration) and G.10 (investment of variable remuneration amounts granted to Managing Board Members in shares of the Company).

According to recommendation D.4, the Supervisory Board should form a nomination committee for proposals for the election of Supervisory Board members. Fabasoft AG declares a deviation in this respect because the Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG consists of only four members in any case and therefore it is not necessary to form a committee.

Recommendation G.3 stipulates that the Supervisory Board should use a suitable peer group and disclose the composition in order to assess the customary level of specific Managing Board remuneration compared to other companies. The purpose of this provision, as expressly stated in the German Corporate Governance Code, is to prevent an automatic upward trend. Fabasoft AG declares a deviation from recommendation G.3, as there is no company in Austria or Germany comparable to Fabasoft AG - in terms of turnover, number of employees, industry

  • and therefore a peer group comparison would not be possible. In any case, there has been no significant upward trend in Managing Board remuneration in recent years. In this context, please refer to the current remuneration report at and the disclosures in the con- solidated financial statements.

Recommendation G.10 stipulates that the variable remuneration amounts granted to the Managing Board should be predominantly invested in shares of the company or granted on a share basis, considering the respective tax burden. As a precautionary measure, Fabasoft AG declares a deviation from this recommendation, as remuneration in the form of shareholdings does not currently appear to make sense in view of the tax burden. In Austria, such participation models would have to be assessed as a benefit from the employment relationship and would lead to a special tax burden.

Fabasoft AG will continue to comply with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated 28 April 2022 (published in the Federal Gazette on 27 June 2022) with the aforementioned exceptions, provided that this does not violate mandatory Austrian law.

Linz, 11 March 2024


  1. Information on corporate governance

The company is a stock corporation under Austrian law. It is therefore subject in particular to the provisions of Austrian stock corporation law and capital market regulations as well as the provisions of the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure for the Managing Board and Supervisory Board.

There is a two-tier management and supervisory structure consisting of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board. Both bodies are committed to the good of the company. The Annual General Meeting is the third body of the Company. It serves to form the will of the shareholders.

2.1. Managing Board

The Managing Board represents the company externally. It conducts its business in accordance with the law, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure for the Managing Board and ensures appropriate risk manage- ment. The Managing Board develops the strategic direction of the company, coordinates it with the Supervisory Board and ensures its implementation. The task of the Managing Board is thus to create sustainable value on its own responsibility.

As of 31 March 2024, the Managing Board consisted of the following three members:

  • Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Fallmann: Chairman of the Managing Board
  • Ing. Oliver Albl: Member of the Managing Board
  • Matthias Wodniok: Member of the Managing Board

The Managing Board reports to the Supervisory Board regularly, in a timely manner and comprehensively on all key aspects of business development, significant business transactions and the current earnings situation, including the risk situation and risk management. Deviations in the course of business from plans and targets are explained and justified to the Supervisory Board and discussed with it. In addition, the Managing Board reports regularly on compliance, i.e. the measures taken to comply with legal requirements and internal company policies for which the Managing Board is responsible.

The Supervisory Board has set an age limit for the Managing Board. The members of the Managing Board shall not be older than 70.

The Supervisory Board concludes the employment contracts with the members of the Managing Board. When determining the total remuneration of individual Managing Board members, the Supervisory Board shall ensure that it is commensurate with the duties and performance of the Managing Board member and with the situation of the company, and that it does not exceed the customary level of remuneration without special justification. In the case of listed companies, the remuneration structure shall be geared to the sustainable and long-term development of the company. Variable remuneration components shall therefore have a multi-year assessment basis; for extraordinary developments, the Supervisory Board shall agree a cap.

In implementation of the Second Shareholders' Rights Directive, the Supervisory Board of a listed company accordingly adopts a clear and comprehensible system for the remuneration of Managing Board members. Sub- sequently, the Annual General Meeting of the listed company decides on the remuneration system for Managing Board members presented by the Supervisory Board whenever there is a significant change to the remuneration system, however, at least every four years.

In accordance with the statutory provisions, the resolved system of remuneration for the members of the Managing Board was submitted to and approved by the Annual General Meeting in 2023.

The resolution and the remuneration system and the remuneration policy explained therein have been published on the Company's website at and are to be kept publicly accessible free of charge for the duration of the validity of the remuneration system, however, for at least ten years.




2.2. Supervisory Board

In accordance with Section 8 of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG consists of at least three and at most six members elected by the Annual General Meeting and is tasked with advising and overseeing the Managing Board in its management of Fabasoft AG.

As of 31 March 2024, the Supervisory Board consisted of the following four members:

  • em. o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Friedrich Roithmayr: Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • DIin Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl: Member of the Supervisory Board
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann: Member of the Supervisory Board
  • Mag.a Michaela Schwinghammer-Hausleithner: Member of the Supervisory Board

The members of the Supervisory Board are elected in accordance with the provisions of the Annual General Meeting for a maximum period up to the end of the Annual General Meeting which resolves on the ratification of actions for the fourth financial year after the beginning of the term of office. The fiscal year in which the term of office begins is not included. The Supervisory Board appoints and dismisses the members of the Managing Board, decides on the compensation system for the Managing Board members and agrees their respective compensation.

The Supervisory Board is involved in all decisions of fundamental importance to the company. The Supervisory Board may make certain transactions subject to its approval. The Supervisory Board's main duties also include proposing candidates for election to the Supervisory Board and for the appointment of the auditor.

The principles of cooperation of the Supervisory Board are set out in the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board. The Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board are published on the company's website at https://www.

The Supervisory Board has set an age limit for the Supervisory Board in accordance with the German Corporate Governance Code. The members of the Supervisory Board shall not be older than 75.

At the constituent meeting, the elected members of the Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG elect a chairperson or deputy chairperson from among their number.

At regular meetings held jointly with the Supervisory Board, the Managing Board provides timely and comprehensive information on all issues relevant to the company, in particular strategy, planning, business development, the risk situation, risk management and compliance. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board also meets regularly without the Managing Board.

In addition, decisions are made at the constituent meeting on the relevant committees as well as on appointments by the members of the Supervisory Board. An Audit Committee has been set up at Fabasoft AG to ensure efficient organization.

As of 31 March 2024, the Audit Committee consisted of the following four members:

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann: Chairman of the Audit Committee
  • em. o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Friedrich Roithmayr: Member of the Audit Committee
  • DIin Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl: Member of the Audit Committee
  • Mag.a Michaela Schwinghammer-Hausleithner: Member of the Audit Committee

The members of the Audit Committee as a whole are familiar with the sector in which the company operates. The CVs of the members of the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee have been published on the company's website at, which also shows the respective expertise in the following areas:


In this context, Prof. Dr. Altmann has special expertise (knowledge and practical experience) in the fields of finance and accounting as well as reporting. Furthermore, Mag.a Schwinghammer-Hausleithner has special expertise in the field of accounting and em. o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Roithmayr has special expertise in the field of auditing.

In addition to reimbursement of their expenses, each member of the Supervisory Board receives remuneration. This remuneration is made up of a fixed amount. When determining the amount of this remuneration, the duties of the Supervisory Board members and the situation of the company are to be taken into account. The amount of remuneration must be in line with these criteria.

In accordance with the statutory provisions, a corresponding resolution proposal was submitted to the Annual General Meeting in July 2023.

The resolution and the applicable remuneration system for the Supervisory Board are available on the company's website at

The Supervisory Board regularly discusses the efficiency of its work and that of the Audit Committee as part of a self-assessment. Due to the fact that the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee currently have only four members, the Supervisory Board has so far refrained from consulting an external consultant for a self-assessment. A self-assessment was last carried out in January 2023. On the basis of a catalog of questions, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board discussed whether there was reason to change the way the Supervisory Board works and what measures should be taken to achieve this.

2.3. The Annual General Meeting

The shareholders exercise their rights at the Annual General Meeting. In particular, they exercise their voting rights there. The Annual General Meeting is held annually within the first eight months of each fiscal year. The agenda for the Annual General Meeting, including the reports and documents required for the Annual General Meeting, is also published on the company's website. To facilitate the personal exercise of their rights, the company provides shareholders with a proxy for Annual General Meetings who is bound by instructions. In the notice convening the Annual General Meeting or in the notices to shareholders, it is explained how voting instructions can be issued in the lead-up to the Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting passes resolutions in the cases expressly specified by law and in the Articles of Association.

2.4. Information on corporate governance practices

At the center of the management culture of the Company and its subsidiaries are values enshrined in statutory regulations and internal policies and organizational directives. On this basis, there is a common understanding among management and employees to combine sustainable growth with economic success.

To achieve this goal, employees should be aware of these requirements and be able and allowed to assume responsibility for them. Personal responsibility and initiative require knowledge of the strategic direction of the company. The Management therefore regularly informs employees about corporate goals, current business developments and the market and competitive environment. Clearly defined corporate structures, areas of responsibility and processes are also an essential basis for efficient corporate management and cooperation. In conjunction with defined processes that are subject to ongoing optimization, this structure enables management processes to be aligned with corporate objectives and regular monitoring of target achievement.

Particular importance is attached to the motivation and appreciation of the company's employees. After all, outstanding commitment, high productivity and efficiency can only be achieved in a working environment that is perceived as positive and with a high level of identification with the company and its goals.




2.5. Sustainability

Fabasoft acknowledges its responsibility to its stakeholders for long-term and sustainable management. In this sense, the sustainability report represents Fabasoft's commitment to sustainable development, considering en- vironmental, social and governance aspects (ESG). For Fabasoft, sustainability means acting responsibly as a business with the goal of uniting commercial objectives with sustainable objectives concerning the interests of both society and the environment in a profitable and beneficial way. In this context, Fabasoft contributes beyond the legal requirements - from the actual business activity, to ecologically relevant topics, to responsibility towards stakeholders and society.

Fabasoft's Sustainability Report is integrated into the Fabasoft Group's Annual Report and is available on the company's website

2.6. Data privacy and information security

Fabasoft is at the forefront of information security and data protection. This role must be actively embraced. Only those who set the highest standards for themselves and meet them can convince customers of their cred- ibility. For this reason, the protection of customer and company data has absolute priority. This is underpinned by certifications and audits in accordance with internationally recognized standards. We address this need for transparency and information security through the following aspects: the software products are developed in Europe and operated in secure data centers that must meet strict requirements criteria. This builds in particular on the foundation of a European value system for data security, access security, legal security and for certified quality standards.

The information security goals of confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity, as well as ongoing review, assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures, are thus core values of Fabasoft in all our business activities.

Furthermore, we maintain our sustainably high level of compliance through extensive control mechanisms in internal processes and through the audited Fabasoft control system, which is also reflected in recognized certifications.

2.7. Financial reporting

The consolidated financial statements of Fabasoft AG are prepared in accordance with the currently applicable International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

The annual financial statements of the Fabasoft AG are prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB).

Annual financial reports, as well as quarterly and half-yearly reports, are published within the statutory deadlines or in accordance with Recommendation F.2 of the German Corporate Governance Code in line with the requirements of the rules and regulations for the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

2.8. Equal participation of women and men

Equal treatment with regard to chances of promotion and compensation is a policy that has already been practised in the Fabasoft Group and in all its subsidiaries on all corporate levels for many years. There are women in managerial positions in various organisational levels, for example heads of division and authorised signatories. Fabasoft makes every effort to help women return to work by creating a female and family-friendly working en- vironment. The corporate childcare center "FABIs Kindernest" opened at the Linz location in January 2021. FABIs Kindernest helps employees reconcile work and family life. The proportion of women at Fabasoft was 28.4 % as of 31 March 2024. There are flexible working time models available for those who wish to make use of them, to accommodate the combination of family and work commitments. As at 31 March 2024, 19.7 % of all employees in the Fabasoft Group were employed on a part-time basis.


Proportion of women on the Supervisory Board

Already since 2013, one of the four positions on the Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG has been held by FH-Prof. in DIin Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl as female representative. The target quota for the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board was set at 25 %. At the Annual General Meeting on 4 July 2022, a further woman, Mag.a Michaela Schwinghammer-Hausleithner, was elected to the Supervisory Board, bringing the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board to 50 %.

Proportion of women at management levels below the Managing Board

Within the Fabasoft Group, 19.4 % of all management positions were held by women as of 31 March 2024. The aim is to maintain the proportion of female employees at a similarly high level in the future, or to increase it where possible.

  1. Composition of the corporate bodies and diversity concept

3.1. Supervisory Board

3.1.1. Objectives for the composition of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of the company has defined specific objectives and a competence profile for its composition and has also taken diversity into account. Diversity includes aspects such as age, gender, educational or professional background. However, diversity does not mean that people are proposed as candidates for the Supervisory Board solely because they possess a certain personal characteristic, so that no mandatory quotas are set.

In addition to general knowledge of the industry and an understanding of the business model, the competence profile of the Board includes the areas of digitization and IT, software industry, innovation, research and develop- ment, finance and accounting, auditing, management and leadership, strategy and M&A, corporate governance, sustainability and the capital market. The aforementioned competencies enable the members to the Supervisory Board to understand and critically scrutinize reports and submissions of the Managing Board and to draw their own conclusions, including the ability to assess the propriety, economic efficiency, expediency and legality of the business decisions to be evaluated or to check them for plausibility.

Proposals of the Supervisory Board to the Annual General Meeting should take these objectives into account and at the same time aim to fulfil the competence profile for the entire body.

The implementation status is shown in the following qualification matrix.




Qualification matrix of the Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG

em. o. Univ.-Prof. Univ.

Mag.a Michaela DIin

Prof. Dr. Andreas

Mag. Dr. Friedrich

Schwingham- Ingrid





Second deputy

First deputy



of the chairman

of the chairman







Year of birth





Initial appointment





End of term
















Digitization and IT

Software industry

Innovation, research and


Finance and accounting


Management and leadership

Strategy and M&A

Corporate Governance

Risk management and



(incl. sustainability reporting)

Capital market



Core competence

Secondary competence

The members of the Supervisory Board are responsible for the training and further education measures required for their tasks. Fabasoft AG supports the members of the Supervisory Board during their induction into office as well as the training and further education measures and reports on the measures carried out in the Report of the Supervisory Board.

Supervisory Board members must also each individually meet certain minimum personal requirements that are essential for the efficient work of the Supervisory Board, such as time availability, integrity, discretion, discussion skills, interaction skills and teamwork skills.

The Supervisory Board will also take the objectives set for its composition into account to the best possible extent in the search for suitable candidates for any members retiring prematurely and in election proposals for regular elections.


3.1.2. Availability

All members of the Supervisory Board have sufficient time to discharge their duties. None of the Supervisory Board members holds more than the target number of non-Group mandates in supervisory bodies.

3.1.3. Independence

According to the Code recommendations C.6 et seq., the Supervisory Board shall include what it considers to be an appropriate number of independent members from the group of shareholder representatives, thereby considering the shareholder structure.

In this context, the German Corporate Governance Code formulates two aspects of independence: a Supervisory Board member is to be regarded as independent if he or she is

  • independent from the company and its Managing Board and
  • independent from any controlling shareholder.
  1. Independence from the company and the Managing Board
    More than half of the shareholder representatives shall be independent from the company and the Managing Board. Supervisory Board members are to be considered independent from the company and its Managing Board if they have no personal or business relationship with the company or its Managing Board that may cause a substantial - and not merely temporary - conflict of interest. When assessing the independence of Supervisory Board members from the company and its Managing Board, particular consideration shall be given to whether the respective Supervisory Board member him/herself - or a close family member
    • was a member of the company's Managing Board in the two years prior to appointment,
    • currently maintains or has maintained a significant business relationship with the company or a company de- pendent on the company (e.g. as customer, supplier, lender or consultant), either directly or as a shareholder or in a responsible function at a company outside the Group in the year prior to his or her appointment
    • is a close family member of a member of the Managing Board or
    • has been a member of the Supervisory Board for more than 12 years.

None of the Supervisory Board members have a personal or business relationship with the company or its Managing Board that may cause a substantial - and not merely temporary - conflict of interest. Although em. o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Friedrich Roithmayr has been a member of the Supervisory Board since 1999 and Chairman since June 2009, he is nevertheless still considered independent by the members of the Supervisory Board. Dr. Roithmayr has always placed his professional expertise at the service of the company in a selfless manner. In the opinion of the Supervisory Board, there have been no indications to date that he has not exercised his office with the requisite objectivity, professionalism and vigilance, and with the necessary emphasis. In any case, there are no commercial relationships between Dr. Roithmayr and the company.

The Supervisory Board does not include any former members of the Managing Board.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board and all other members of the Supervisory Board therefore do not exercise any management functions within the Fabasoft Group and are independent of the company and the Managing Board.

  1. Independence from a controlling shareholder
    If the company has a controlling shareholder, the German Corporate Governance Code stipulates that in the case a Supervisory Board comprises six members or less, at least one shareholder representative shall be independent from the controlling shareholder.




The German Corporate Governance Code stipulates that a Supervisory Board member is considered independent from the controlling shareholder if he/she, or a close family member, is neither a controlling shareholder nor a member of the executive governing body of the controlling shareholder, and does not have a personal or business relationship with the controlling shareholder that may cause a substantial - and not merely temporary - conflict of interest.

As all members of the Supervisory Board have no relationship whatsoever with a controlling shareholder, the entire Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG is to be considered independent.

This fulfils the requirement of the Code and also the Supervisory Board's own objective.

Furthermore, the incumbent members of the Supervisory Board do not hold any executive or advisory positions with major competitors.

3.2. Managing Board

3.2.1. Objectives for the composition of the Managing Board

The Supervisory Board shall also take diversity into account in the composition of the Managing Board. The Managing Board shall manage the Company under its own responsibility. The objective of the composition of the Managing Board must therefore be to entrust the management of the company to individuals who meet the necessary professional and personal requirements for this within the framework of collegial cooperation, while maintaining the efficiency of the personnel resources. The key task of Fabasoft AG is to manage its subsidiaries. The company itself does not conduct any operational business.

3.2.2. Implementation status

The Supervisory Board is confident that the composition of the Management Board has taken and continues to take appropriate account of professional and personal requirements:

  • Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Fallmann, Chairman of the Managing Board:
    Helmut Fallmann is co-founder and Chairman of the Managing Board of Fabasoft AG. In addition to his membership in the Federal Board of the Federation of Austrian Industries, Fallmann is a convinced European and is particularly committed to Europe as a business location. Fabasoft is, among other things, a member of the decision-making body "EU Cloud Code of Conduct" as well as Member Official Contact in the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
  • Ing. Oliver Albl, Member of the Managing Board:
    Oliver Albl has been successfully active in Fabasoft for more than three decades and has, among other things, earned great merits in the management of corporate and service certifications. As a result, he has made a significant contribution to Fabasoft enjoying an outstanding reputation for quality and data protection for its software products in Austria and Europe. Oliver Albl has been the CEO of Fabasoft International Services GmbH since 2019. As of 1 May 2022, Mr. Oliver Albl has been appointed to the Managing Board as Chief Technical Officer (CTO).
  • Matthias Wodniok, Member of the Managing Board:
    Matthias Wodniok has been with Fabasoft since 2000 and was extremely successful as CEO of Fabasoft Deutschland GmbH until his appointment to the Managing Board. In his role as a Member of the Managing Board, Matthias Wodniok has, in particular, been managing the Fabasoft eGov-Suite business since 1 July 2022. Matthias Wodniok's successes to date include the steady expansion of Fabasoft's market leadership in the field of electronic administrative work with commissions at federal and state level in Germany.



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Fabasoft AG published this content on 05 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 05 June 2024 07:00:07 UTC.