Evolv Technology announced its partnership with Atlanta Public Schools (APS). The school district began using Evolv's Evolv Express® security screening solution in its 15 middle and 21 high schools at the end of 2022. The school system has an active enrollment of over 50,000 students, attending nearly 100 school sites.

APS officials explained that the volume of students arriving simultaneously at some schools made it difficult for the school system's legacy metal detectors to effectively screen every individual passing through its entrances given their limitations. Consequently, over two dozen guns were found in APS schools last year. Evolv Express screens up to 4,000 people per hour, which is 10 times faster than metal detectors.

The system uses powerful sensor technology with artificial intelligence (AI) to distinguish personal items such as cellphones or keys from threats. Evolv Express provides safer, more accurate threat detection at unprecedented volume and speed, allowing students to pass through security in a welcoming manner without always having to stop, be searched, or remove their personal belongings. Atlanta Public Schools will be using 32 Express systems in all, with plans for four of the systems to be used at two football stadiums. The school system learned about Evolv from the many other Atlanta area venues that have incorporated the advanced weapons screening into their security operations.

For example, Atlanta's Mercedes-Benz Stadium also uses Evolv at its entrances, reducing long lines as fans enter the stadium. Atlanta Public Schools is the latest of more than 200 U.S. schools to turn to Evolv for up leveling security while endeavoring to reduce anxiety among students, staff, parents and caregivers. North Carolina's Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District, the largest in the state, has deployed more than 160 systems across dozens of its buildings.

In South Carolina, Spartanburg School District Six met its security goals after implementing Evolv Express. Other schools around the country using Evolv Express have experienced similar results.