On July 1, 2024, Moshe Arkin announced that he has reviewed the Propel Bio Management, LLC?s filing, reached a conclusion that Lonafarnib has significant commercial potential, suggested that 1) Eiger BioPharmaceuticals Inc should file a new drug application for Lonafarnib and finance its development through a private offering with the Company?s major shareholders, potentially including him/or Propel Bio Management, 2) the Company should place one or more representatives from its major shareholders on the Company?s board of directors, and Moshe Arkin mentioned that he does not believe that allocating resources to the development of Lonafarnib will come at the expense of Avexitide. In addition, Moshe Arkin stated that he wishes to work collaboratively with the Company?s management and the Board to maximize shareholder value at the Company, and updated management and the Board that he intends to file this filing to reflect his commitment to save the Company from further deterioration and set it on the right course.