ECR Minerals plc announced an update on exploration activities across the Company's Blue Mountain and Lolworth Projects in Queensland, Australia. Trenching has now been completed by ECR across several former alluvial gold sites sampled by the previous owner of Blue Mountain in 2021. A total of 11 trenches were excavated, resulting in 9 individual bulk concentrate samples.

Gravels from 9 of the trenches were processed through a trommel wash plant. These excavations were carried out jointly with the landholder who has been fully supportive of ECR's exploration activities. Recent surveys by ECR have identified multiple locations along the creek system within the tenement that warrant further follow up and testing.

Extensive creek flats, elevated creek gravels and remnants of historical 'gold rush' activities suggest substantial areas of unexplored and potentially prospective ground. With both tenements scheduled to expire later this year, ECR, through its wholly owned subsidiary LUX Exploration Pty Ltd, has submitted an application for a 5-year extension of the licence area. The Directors believe that LUX is well placed for approval of this extension.

Next Steps: The bulk concentrate samples from the trenching have been dispatched to the laboratory for gold content analysis. Should the results meet with ECR's expectations, the next steps for the project will involve metallurgical testing which will be crucial in assessing the viability and potential commercial opportunities for the project as well as further delineation of the alluvial gold potential both upstream and downstream of the recent testing. The Board is of the view that, while the Company awaits the results from laboratory analysis, the Company's cash resources and personnel are best spent accelerating exploration efforts at its other highly prospective asset in Queensland.

Lolworth- Two field staff have been working on site since early May 2024 and Chief Geologist Adam Jones along with his team currently at Blue Mountain will join them in the coming weeks. Initial field work across several gold prospects in the Upper Gorge Creek area has shown promising signs, including visible gold in streams and hillsides. Soil sampling grids have been established above streams with previous positive results, and plans are in place for initial hard rock trenching in the Gorge Creek West area.

Geological mapping indicates an anomalous gold trend along the westerly striking contact between granite and altered sedimentary rocks. Previous rock chip samples have returned grades of up to 3.13 g/t Au, with localised higher grades up to 13.75 g/t Au (see Fig.1 below). Additionally, gold nuggets weighing up to 12 grams have been identified in the immediate watershed below.

Further trenching is planned to assess the width of the granite and altered rocks. Other notable prospects include a 4m x 200m rhyolitic intrusion where previous samples averaged about 0.4 g/t Au, with highs up to 8 g/t Au. This intrusion's strike is a key focus for the team during the current visit.

Next Steps: ECR's team will move north to focus on the Reedy Creek (Gold) and Oaky Creek (Niobium) prospects. They will conduct intensive soil sampling, geological mapping, and outcrop sampling, with particular interest in the headwaters between Reedy Creek and Butterfly Creek, known for coarse gold in stream samples of up to 962 ppm Au. Aerial imagery has identified potential quartz veining in the hills above this area.