EcoSecurities Group plc
5 November 2009

                       EcoSecurities Group plc

     Notification of Interest in Shares pursuant to AIM Rule 17

Pursuant to its obligation under AIM Rule 17, EcoSecurities Group plc
announces that it has received  the following information from J.  P.
Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation on 4 November 2009:

'Pursuant to and in fulfilment  of the statutory obligations  imposed
by  Section  67  of  the   Companies  Act  1990,  we  hereby   notify
EcoSecurities Group plc (the "Company") that as at close of  business
on  3  November  2009,  J.  P.  Morgan  Ventures  Energy  Corporation
("JPMVEC") had a  direct interest  in 19,178,613  ordinary shares  of
?0.0025 each  in the capital  of the Company (the "Ordinary  Shares")
which represent  approximately  16.22%  of  the  total  issued  share
capital of the  Company as  at the close  of business  on 3  November

This notification is made consequent on the acquisition by JPMVEC  on
14 September 2009  of the  legal and beneficial  interest in  100,000
Ordinary Shares of ?0.0025 each in the capital of the Company, on  22
October 2009  of  the legal  and  beneficial interest  in  12,014,000
ordinary shares of ?0.0025 each in the capital of the Company and  on
30 October 2009  of the  legal and beneficial  interest in  7,064,613
ordinary shares of ?0.0025 each in the capital of the Company.'


EcoSecurities                                       +353 (0)1 613 9814

Patrick James Browne

Company Secretary

RBS Hoare Govett                                    +44 (0) 20 767 88000

Justin Jones

Hugo Fisher

Citigate Dewe Rogerson                              +44 (0) 20 7638 9571

Kevin Smith

Further information

The directors of EcoSecurities accept responsibility for the
information contained in this announcement.  To the best of the
knowledge and belief of the directors of EcoSecurities (who have
taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the
information contained in this announcement is in accordance with the
facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such

 RBS Hoare Govett Limited which is authorised and regulated in the
United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority is acting
exclusively for EcoSecurities and for no-one else in connection with
the Increased Offer (defined below) and will not be responsible to
anyone other than EcoSecurities for providing the protections
afforded to clients of RBS Hoare Govett Limited or for providing
advice in relation to this matter or any other matters referred to in
this announcement.

A copy of the documents listed as available for inspection in Carbon
Acquisition Company Limited's recommended cash offer document dated
25 September 2009 setting out the terms of the increased offer of 105
pence per ordinary share made by Carbon Acquisition Company Limited
(the "Increased Offer") and a copy of all announcements made by
EcoSecurities in relation to the original offer of 100 pence per
ordinary share made by Carbon Acquisition Company Limited on 15
September 2009 and the Increased Offer, will be available for
inspection at the offices of Matheson Ormsby Prentice, 70 Sir John
Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2 during normal business hours on any weekday
(Saturday, Sunday and public holidays excepted) whilst the Increased
Offer remains open for acceptance.


This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Copyright © Hugin AS 2009. All rights reserved.