Maxhub, a subsidiary of display firm CVTE Group, has partnered with distributor Dynamic CCTV Ltd. for distribution of its smart workplace technologies, according to a press release.

The deal marks an extension of Maxhub's Europe expansion, begun in 2021, which aims to expand the footprint of workplace communications solutions, including touchscreens and all-in-one LED walls and displays along with unified communications tools.

"I have used MAXHUB 1st Generation IFP in my old office back to 2017," Yu Ning, managing director at Dynamic CCTV Ltd., said in the release. "At that time, I have noticed how easy and efficient my meetings can be for local presentation and conference calls using MAXHUB solution. So, we are thrilled to partner with MAXHUB in UK to bring the cutting-edge solutions to more companies who want to embrace the new technology in their workspace. Exciting times lie ahead as we explore new horizons and continue to exceed expectations in IT/AV market."

"Dynamic CCTV is well known for its technical expertise and excellent service in the security industry for many years," Cathy Liu, country manager for UK and Ireland at Maxhub, said in the release. "We are delighted we have gained a distributor that perfectly suits our corporate philosophy. We are convinced that Dynamic Tech will be very successful in the IT/AV market. Stay tuned for more innovations and exceptional services from MAXHUB and Dynamic Tech."

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