DMGT has published its Corporate Reporting Suite comprising the Corporate Brochure, Corporate Video, Annual Report and Accounts and a condensed version of the Annual Report summarising key points.

Entitled 'Satisfying the Need to Know', the reporting suite reflects the Group's focus on fulfilling customers' need for information through its businesses. All reporting materials emphasise DMGT's five competitive strengths: entrepreneurial heart, active portfolio management, devolved and diversified, family ownership and trusted expertise.

Abi Slater, DMGT Communications Director, said, "We think 'Satisfying the Need to Know' captures the common thread that unites all our businesses. The design aims to bring to life how DMGT's businesses make sense of complex data for their customers."

The Corporate Brochure contains a variety of case studies from MailOnline, BCA Research, RMS, Gastech and Genscape, while the corporate video provides an excellent overview of DMGT's five operating businesses.

The Corporate Brochure can be downloaded here or a printed copy can be requested at Copies of the brochure are being distributed to DMGT offices all over the globe.

The corporate video can be viewed on the DMGT YouTube channel.

Fran Sallas, Assistant DMGT Company Secretary, said, "The suite contains all you need to know about DMGT in a number of different forms including the full Annual Report and Accounts containing detailed information about the Group, and the Condensed Annual Report which contains summary information about DMGT in a more compact format."

The Annual Report and accounts can be downloaded from the Annual Highlights section on This includes at-a-glance revenue highlights, links to the Chairman's and CEO's statements, and the financial review.

The suite was created by Conran Design Group and copies will be sent to various stakeholders, including shareholders and employees. 

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