Deutsche Wohnen revised earnings guidance for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. For the period the company expects FFO I to come in above the latest forecast at around EUR 300 million compared to previous year guidance of EUR 217.6 million. This represents an increase of 38% on the previous year. FFO I per share is set to improve by some 24% to around EUR 0.94 compared to previous year guidance of EUR 0.76. The company benefited repeatedly from a dynamic market environment in the 2015 financial year, particularly in the Core+ and Core regions. Thus, the company will increase its EPRA NAV per share by presumably 27%, reaching a level of EUR 23 per share compared to previous year of EUR 18.10 per share.

For the 2016 financial year, the company is forecasting a further increase in FFO I of some 20% against the past financial year to at least EUR 360 million. The basis for this forecast is the FFO contribution made by the previously announced additions to the portfolio, the successfully concluded refinancing measures as well as the positive development throughout the 2015 financial year, which the Management Board expects to continue in 2016. The forecast relates to the current portfolio stock as well as acquisitions that have already been announced; further potential acquisitions are not included in the forecast. The company expects the market development in its strategic core and growth regions to remain positive. Based on a forecast like-for-like rent increase of around 3% on average for the years ahead, and provided that conditions remain largely unchanged, the Management Board sees further potential for value adjustment within the portfolio. As of the end of the financial year 2016, the company anticipates an EPRA NAV of EUR 25 to EUR 26 per share.