DekelOil Public Limited announced production and sales results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2018. For the quarter, the company reported CPO production of 5,464 tonnes against 7,055 tonnes a year ago. PKO production was 598 tonnes against 442 tonnes a year ago. PKC production was 843 tonnes against 578 tonnes a year ago.

For the quarter, the company reported CPO sales of 4,950 tonnes against 6,586 tonnes a year ago. PKO sales was 803 tonnes against 544 tonnes a year ago. PKC sales was 848 tonnes against 433 tonnes a year ago.

For the year, the company reported CPO production of 33,077 tonnes against 38,736 tonnes a year ago. PKO production was 2,918 tonnes against 2,554 tonnes a year ago. PKC production was 3,721 tonnes against 3,444 tonnes a year ago.

For the year, the company reported CPO sales of 32,692 tonnes against 38,373 tonnes a year ago. PKO sales was 2,862 tonnes against 2,570 tonnes a year ago. PKC sales was 3,796 tonnes against 3,330 tonnes a year ago.