Dataproces Group A/S has on January 5th entered into an agreement on SaaS solution MARC Flekslon. The agreement on MARC Flekslon has been entered into with a municipality in Zealand and is now the 58th municipality to automate their calculations of subsidies through SaaS-solution MARC Flekslon. MARC Flekslon (Flex Job Subsidies) is a robotic solution, that automates the monthly calculations of the subsidies and makes the recalculations more efficient.

The solution runs with integration to Kommunernes Ydelsessystem, KY. By using MARC Flekslon, 50-70% of the municipality's monthly calculations of subsidies are automated. All announced agreements are in accordance with Dataproces' strategic focus and do not change the announced guidance.

Dataproces announces a total estimated value of new data analysis agreements on monthly basis. As the SaaS platforms MARS, REVIEW and MARC Flekslon are central to the guided company strategy, each time a agreement is entered into, it is announced.