At the meeting of the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS, held on June 17, 2020, Alo Ivask was appointed as the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company and Ardo Hillar Hansson was appointed as the new Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company, both positions starting from June 17, 2020. The Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS also recalled the following persons from the Audit Committee: Jaanus Vihand, Priit Põldoja and Märt Meerits. The Supervisory Board elected the following members to the Audit Committee effective from June 17, 2020: Alo Ivask, Silver Kuus and Urmas Kaarlep. The current Chairman of the Audit Committee, Paavo Truu, will continue as the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Changes also took place in the Remuneration Committee. The following persons were recalled From the Remuneration Committee: Jaanus Vihand and Priit Põldoja. The Supervisory Board elected the following members to the Remuneration Committee effective from June 17, 2020: Alo Ivask, Raul Parusk and Irja Rae. The current member of the Remuneration Committee, Jaan Marjundi, will continue as the member of the Remuneration Committee.