WGE Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:WGEE) is seeking acquisitions. WGE Holdings stated, "Our team will be concentrating on growth through acquisition of businesses in the one to $5 million ($1,000,000 - $5,000,000) range with strong track records and then applying our formula for growth and duplication to reduce entry barrier obstacles and replicate existing revenue positive business into new demographically and fiscally viable markets under our umbrella.

It added that there are several acquisitions on the table currently, with due diligence having commenced and the selection process of first acquisition estimated to occur the first quarter of 2016. It further added, “We will be conducting several million dollar acquisitions before perusing opportunities to the tens of millions of dollars as we continue to refine our process and selection methodology. Utilizing Principles of Six Sigma and other "Lean" methodology, we will be evolving the acquisition and integration process to maximize profits and reduce expenses while improving the quality of companies we select and acquire”.