COMPANHIA DE SANEAMENTO DE MINAS GERAIS - COPASA MG Publicly-Held Company Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ/MF): 17.281.106/0001-03 Company Registry (NIRE): 313.000.363-75 EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING CALL NOTICE

The shareholders of COMPANHIA DE SANEAMENTO DE MINAS GERAIS - COPASA MG are hereby invited to attend an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, to be held at 3:00 p.m. on February 7, 2013, at the Company's headquarters, located at rua Mar de Espanha 525, Santo Antônio, in the city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, to resolve on the following agenda:

(i) donation of property no. 9034000007, a 3,500 m² site, and 9034000010 - the 8,839.10 m² right of way of the main, in Araçuaí, in the Baixo Jequitinhonha District, due to its lack of use to the service; (ii) donation of property no. 9498000107, a 1,571 m² site of the former local office of COPASA MG, in the Alto

Paranaíba District, due to its lack of use to the service;

(iii) change in the value of the administrative bidding process related to the contracting of a Public-Private

Partnership (PPP) to expand and improve the Rio Manso Production System.
In order to facilitate access to the Meeting, Shareholders are asked to submit the following documents to the Investor Relations Division located at the Company's headquarters, by February 5, 2013: (i) statement or proof of ownership of shares issued by BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange or by Banco do Brasil S.A., the institution providing the Company with share bookkeeping services; (ii) for shareholders who wish to be represented by proxy, a proxy instrument pursuant to Article 126 of Law 6404/76.
As of this date, all documents related to the matters to be discussed are available to shareholders at the Company's headquarters or on the websites of the Company ( and BM&FBOVESPA S.A. via the IPE system, in accordance with article 135, paragraph 3 of Brazilian Corporation Law and article 6 of CVM Instruction 481/2009.

Belo Horizonte, January 24, 2013.

João Fleury

Chairman of the Board of Directors

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