Color Star Technology Co., Ltd. announced that the global open beta version of its entertainment metaverse platform "Color World" will be launched on January 28, 2022. The open and global beta version of "Color World" is an entertainment metaverse platform that Color Star team spared no effort to create. This version will include functions of virtual character, intelligent interaction, automatic NFT scene generation, and second life development, etc.

Once launched, uses can register an identity of their choice in Color World and generate an avatar, which can live a brand-new life there. InColor World, all users can make friends, play sports, purchase real estate, buy land, start their own businesses, and even develop their own properties for sale. In addition, users can hold their own concerts, dance performances, and even showcase movies, TVs and short films shot by themselves to Color World's global users.

The new version and update of Color World indicates the company's dedication to building a metaverse platform. All registered users of the original Color World APP will be automatically updated to the new version of Color World metaverse. It is also believed that the updated version will attract more new registers.

This online version will be an open beta version, and Color Star hopes that users around the world can provide valuable feedback so as to make metaverse more perfect.