Cofidur S.A. (ENXTPA:ALCOF) commences share repurchases on December 16, 2021, under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Mixed General Meeting held on May 18, 2021. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase up to 3,867 shares, representing 10% of its issued share capital for €1.35 million. The shares will be repurchased at a maximum price of €350 per share.

The purpose of the program is to cancel the shares thus acquired within the limit of 10% of the capital per period of 24 month, dispose of shares that can be remitted to managers and employees as well as to those of companies that are linked, within the framework of the stock option plan, the allocation of free shares, the allocation of or transfer of shares to employees as part of the participation in the fruits of the expansion of the company, employee shareholding plans or company savings plans, have shares in the context of external growth operations and promote liquidity. The program is valid for 18 months, until November 18, 2022. As of April 12, 2021, the company had 38,675 shares.