CMC Metals Ltd. announced that it has completed filing for exploration applications for the Amy and Silverknife projects. The permits include a wide range of proposed exploration activities on both properties including but not limited to geophysical and geochemical surveys, access road upgrading, new trail/road development, drill and clearing pad construction and drilling. The permits are filed with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Government of British Columbia and permit reviews for multi- year permits of this nature typically take in the range of 4-6 months to complete.

At Amy, the Company's operational plan includes a compilation of the extensive historical database that includes geochemical, geophysical, geological and drilling data that will be initiated before the end of this month. This work will also try to undertake modelling of the adit sampling and historical drill data. The site has two adits at the 4,450 and 4,200 foot levels that were constructed in the 1970's. The plan also proposes to undertake a broad range of exploration activities including but not limited to site road access upgrading, new trail/road development, geophysical and geochemical surveys, drill and clearing pad construction and drilling.

The results of the data compilation as well as early results from trenching and detailed mapping will guide drill site selection.