Regulatory News:

On 5 December 2018 the Board of Directors decided to separate the duties of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CLASQUIN (Paris:ALCLA) with effect from 1 January 2019:

  • Yves REVOL retains his position as Chairman of CLASQUIN’s Board of Directors;
  • Hugues MORIN is appointed Chief Executive Officer.

As a reminder, in 1982 Yves REVOL purchased CLASQUIN, which generated sales of around €1.5 million at the time. He served as Chairman and CEO of the Group from 1 January 1983 and was appointed Executive Chairman on 1 January 2019.

Born in 1969, married, a graduate of the European Business School, Hugues MORIN joined CLASQUIN in 1992 and was successively posted to Sydney, Osaka and Tokyo. He returned to France in 2002, where he was appointed Regional Director for the South of France and later promoted to Managing Director France, Italy and Germany. Since 1 January 2016, he has been responsible for all worldwide Front Office functions (operations and sales) as Group Executive Vice President. In January 2018, his remit was extended to Back Office functions (finance, HR, IT, etc.) under the direction of Group Corporate Secretary Laurence Ilhe. Hugues MORIN is a key shareholder holding 5.2% of the share capital both directly and indirectly via his personal holding company.

For information purposes, Group governance is based on four main bodies:

  • the Board of Directors (Board), responsible for Group strategy, overall policy and organisation
  • the Executive Committee (Execom), responsible for managing the Group
  • the Monthly General Management Meeting (MGMM), responsible for the operational implementation of Group projects and activities
  • the World Management Committee Meeting (WMCM), an annual meeting attended by the Executive Committee, Country Managers and heads of Group functions to work on strategy, overall policy and organisation in order to share best practices and successful achievements, improve economic performance and strengthen the sense of belonging.

“These changes materialise a state of affairs that has been developing over several years; Hugues MORIN has spent his entire career at CLASQUIN and it is a truly outstanding one; naturally, I myself, the Board of Directors and all Group managers are fully confident in his ability to implement CLASQUIN’s strategy and overall policy over the coming years; this appointment has been in the pipeline for some time and is a totally natural step forward.” Yves REVOL

“I am full of enthusiasm about taking over management of Group operations today. Backed by the exceptional commitment of our staff worldwide, our unflagging client focus and CLASQUIN’s unique market positioning, we are determined to pursue our corporate mission driven by our performance culture and winning mindset.” Hugues MORIN

UPCOMING EVENTS (publication after-market closure)

  • Thursday 21 February 2019: Business report as at 31 December 2018
  • Wednesday 20 March 2019: 2018 Annual results
  • Monday 29 April 2019: Business report as at 31 March 2019
  • Thursday 29 August 2019: Business report as at 30 June 2019
  • Monday 23 September 2019: 2019 Half year results
  • Wednesday 30 October 2019: Business report as at 30 September 2019

CLASQUIN is an air and sea freight forwarding and overseas logistics specialist. The Group designs and manages the entire overseas transport and logistics chain, organising and coordinating the flow of client shipments between France and the rest of the world, and more specifically to and from Asia-Pacific and the United States. Its shares are listed on EURONEXT GROWTH, ISIN FR0004152882, Reuters ALCLA.PA, Bloomberg ALCLA FP.
For more information, see
CLASQUIN confirms its eligibility for the new share savings plan for MSCs (medium-sized companies) in accordance with Article D221-113-5 of the French Monetary and Financial Code established by decree number 2014-283 of 4 March 2014 and with Article L221-32-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code which set the conditions for eligibility (less than 5,000 employees and annual sales of less than 1,500 million euros or total balance sheet of less than 2,000 million euros). CLASQUIN is part of Enternext© PEA-PME 150 index.