ChromaDex Corp. announced Wells Pharma of Houston will begin shipping limited quantities of pharmaceutical-grade Niagen® (patented nicotinamide riboside chloride or NRC), branded Niagen+, to select IV clinics including Cenegenics, Clean Market/NutriDrip, Drip Hydration, EXTEN IV, Kensho Wellbeing, The NAD MD, Next Health, The Remedy Room, Restore Hyper Wellness, and REVIV in August, with additional clinics set to receive shipments soon after. U.S. FDA-registered 503B outsourcing facility, Wells Pharma of Houston, will compound and distribute pharmaceutical-grade intravenous (IV) and injectable Niagen, which will be available in IV, shots, and intravenous-push forms exclusively at clinics, with a prescription.

Niagen IV represents a significant advancement in intravenous NAD+ therapy. Compared to standard NAD+ IV treatments, Niagen IV offers superior tolerability, a 75% shorter infusion time, and a higher, faster rise in NAD+ blood levels three hours post-infusion, as measured by NAD+ dried blood spot tests.