Chori Co., Ltd. (TSE:8014) entered into a share transfer agreement to acquire Kozakura Shokai Co.,Ltd. from 2 individuals on January 26, 2018. Under the terms of the transaction, Chori Co., Ltd. will acquire 1500 shares of Kozakura Shokai Co.,Ltd. After the close of the transaction, Kozakura Shokai Co.,Ltd. will be converted into a subsidiary of Chori Co., Ltd. Kozakura Shokai Co.,Ltd. had total assets of ¥6.6 billion, net assets of ¥710 million, revenue of ¥18.5 billion, operating income of ¥322 million and net income of ¥252 million for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017. The transaction has been resolved by the Board of Directors of Chori Co., Ltd. on January 26, 2018. The transaction is expected to complete on March 29, 2018.