Chongqing Iron & Steel Company Limited received a written resignation from Mr. Zhang Wenxue, the president, on 11 June 2021. Mr. Zhang Wenxue tendered his resignation to the board of directors of the Company to resign as the president due to work rearrangements. Mr. Zhang Wenxue has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the board of directors, the supervisory committee and the management of the Company and there are no other matters in relation to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the Company and its shareholders. According to the requirements under the relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association, the resignation report of Mr. Zhang Wenxue takes effect on the date of its delivery to the board of directors of the Company. Mr. Zhang Wenxue will continue to hold the position as a director of the Company following his resignation as the president. On 11 June 2021, the Resolution in relation to the Appointment of Senior Management of the Company was considered and approved at the meeting of the eighth session of the board of directors of the Company. The board of directors appointed Mr. Xie Zhixiong as the president of the Company. Mr. Xie Zhixiong, is a senior engineer. Mr. Xie successively served as the head of the technology department and the head of the production technology division of the sixth rolling mill, the head of the steel rolling division of the steelmaking and rolling mill and the steel rolling chief engineer, the deputy head of the special steel business department, the deputy head and deputy general manager of the product sales department of the marketing center, the deputy head and the head of the manufacturing and management department, the officer of the technical research center, a vice president, a senior vice president (presiding over the work), a director, the president and the deputy secretary to the Party Committee of SGIS Songshan Co. Ltd.