Chlitina Holding Limited at its AGM held on June 25, 2024, approved board changes. Title and name of the previous position holder: Independent Director: Kao, Peng-Wen; Independent Director: Yu, Hung-Ding. Resume of the previous position holder: Independent director: Kao, Peng-Wen/Independent director of Chlitina Holding Limited.

Independent director: Yu, Hung-Ding/Independent director of Chlitina Holding Limited. Title and name of the new position holder: Independent director: Huang Lei-Kang. Independent director: Li Jin-Wei.

Resume of the new position holder: Independent Director: Huang Lei-Kang/Independent director/President of Cook University International Campus, New York, USA. Independent Director: Li Jin-Wei/Independent director/Founder and CEO of Jinqu Co. Ltd. Reason for the change: General election after term expiration.

Effective date of the new appointment: June 25, 2024.