Mr. GUO You, an executive director and the President of China Everbright Bank Company Limited has tendered his resignation to the board of directors of the company on 23 January 2014 due to change of job assignments, resigning from the positions as an executive director, a member of the Strategy Committee, a member of the Risk
Management Committee and the President of the company. Pursuant to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws, regulations and the articles of association of the company, Mr. GUO's resignation will become effective upon the submission of his resignation letter to the Board. The Board announced that at the meeting of the Board held on 23 January 2014, it was resolved that Mr. ZHAO Huan be nominated as the candidate for the position of an executive director of the company, and his appointment is subject to the approval by the shareholders' general meeting of the company and China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), and his term of office will commence on the date when the approval of CBRC is obtained. The Board also resolved that Mr. ZHAO be engaged as the President of the company subject to the approval of CBRC. His term of office will commence on the date when the approval of CBRC is obtained.