NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting (the "Meeting" or "AGM") of CHASEN HOLDINGS LIMITED (the "Company") will be held at Rose Room, Level 3, The Chevrons, 48 Boon Lay Way, Singapore 609961 on the 30th day of July 2024 at 11:00 a.m., for the purpose of considering and if thought fit, passing the following resolutions as Ordinary Resolutions, with or without any modifications:



To receive and adopt the Directors' Statement and the Audited Financial Statements of the Company and of the

Group for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 together with the Auditors' Report thereon.

(Resolution 1)

2. To re-elect Mr Chew Choy Seng, a Director retiring pursuant to Regulation 110 of the Company's Constitution.

[See Explanatory Note (i)]

(Resolution 2)

  1. To note the retirement of Mr Chew Mun Yew as an Independent Director of the Company who is retiring pursuant to Regulation 110 of the Constitution of the Company and will not be seeking re-election.
    [See Explanatory Note (ii)]
  2. To approve the payment of Directors' fees of up to S$400,000 for the financial year ending 31 March 2025, with

payment to be made quarterly in arrears. (2024: up to S$400,000)

(Resolution 3)

5. To re-appoint Messrs Forvis Mazars LLP as the Auditors of the Company and to authorize the Directors of the

Company to fix their remuneration.

(Resolution 4)

6. To transact any other ordinary business which may properly be transacted at an Annual General Meeting.


To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolutions as Ordinary Resolutions, with or without any modifications:

7. Authority to allot and issue shares in the capital of the Company

That pursuant to Section 161 of the Companies Act 1967 (the "Companies Act") and Rule 806 of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST"), the Directors of the Company be authorised and empowered to:

  1. (i) allot and issue shares in the Company ("Shares") whether by way of rights, bonus or otherwise; and/or
  1. make or grant offers, agreements or options (collectively, "Instruments") that might or would require Shares to be issued, including but not limited to the creation and issue of (as well as adjustments to) options, warrants, debentures or other instruments convertible into Shares,

at any time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes and to such persons as the Directors of the Company may in their absolute discretion deem fit; and

  1. (notwithstanding the authority conferred by this Resolution may have ceased to be in force) issue shares in pursuance of any Instruments made or granted by the Directors of the Company while this Resolution was in force; and
  2. complete and do all such acts and things, including without limitation, executing all such documents and approving any amendments, alterations or modifications to any documents as they may consider necessary, desirable or expedient to give effect to this Resolution;




provided that:

  1. the aggregate number of Shares (including shares to be issued in pursuance of the Instruments, made or granted pursuant to this Resolution) and Instruments to be issued pursuant to this Resolution shall not exceed 50% of the total number of issued Shares (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) in the capital of the Company (as calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (2) below), of which the aggregate number of Shares and Instruments to be issued other than on a pro-rata basis to existing shareholders of the Company shall not exceed 20% of the total number of issued Shares (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) in the capital of the Company (as calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (2) below);
  2. (subject to such manner of calculations as may be prescribed by the SGX-ST) for the purpose of determining the aggregate number of Shares and Instruments that may be issued under sub-paragraph
    (1) above, the number of issued Shares and Instruments shall be based on the number of issued Shares (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) in the capital of the Company at the time of the passing of this Resolution, after adjusting for:
  1. new Shares arising from the conversion or exercise of the Instruments or any convertible securities;
  2. new Shares arising from exercising share options or vesting of share awards, provided the share options or share awards were granted in compliance with Part VIII of Chapter 8 of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST; and
  3. any subsequent bonus issue, consolidation or subdivision of Shares;

Adjustments in accordance with sub-paragraph (2)(a) or sub-paragraph (2)(b) above are only to be made in respect of new shares arising from convertible securities, share options or share awards which were issued and outstanding or subsisting at the time of the passing of this Resolution.

  1. in exercising the authority conferred by this Resolution, the Company shall comply with the provisions of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST for the time being in force (unless such compliance has been waived by the SGX-ST) and the Constitution of the Company; and
  2. unless revoked or varied by the Company in a general meeting, the authority conferred by this Resolution shall continue in force (i) until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting ("AGM") of the Company or the date by which the next AGM of the Company is required by law to be held, whichever is earlier or
    1. in the case of Shares to be issued in pursuance of the Instruments, made or granted pursuant to this Resolution, until the issuance of such Shares in accordance with the terms of the Instruments.

[See Explanatory Note (iii)]

(Resolution 5)

8. Renewal of Share Buyback Mandate


for the purposes of the Companies Act, the exercise by the Directors of the Company of all the powers of the Company to purchase or otherwise acquire the Shares not exceeding in aggregate the Prescribed Limit (as hereinafter defined), at such price(s) as may be determined by the Directors from time to time up to the Maximum Price (as hereinafter defined), whether by way of:

  1. on-marketpurchases, transacted on the SGX-ST or through one or more duly licensed stockbrokers appointed by the Company for the purpose (each a "Market Purchase"); and/or
  2. off-marketpurchases (if effected otherwise than on the SGX-ST) in accordance with an equal access scheme(s) as may be determined or formulated by the Directors as they may consider fit, which scheme(s) shall satisfy all the conditions prescribed by the Companies Act and the Listing Rules (each an "Off-MarketPurchase"),

(the "Share Buyback Mandate"),




unless varied or revoked by the Company in general meeting, the authority conferred on the Directors of the Company pursuant to the Share Buyback Mandate may be exercised by the Directors at any time and from time to time during the period commencing from the passing of this Resolution and expiring on the earlier of:

  1. the date on which the next AGM is held or required by law to be held;
  2. the date on which the share buybacks are carried out to the full extent mandated; or
  3. the date on which the authority contained in the Share Buyback Mandate is varied or revoked, In this Resolution:

"Prescribed Limit" means 10% of the total number of ordinary shares in the Company (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) as at the date of passing of this Resolution unless the Company has effected a reduction of the share capital of the Company in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, at any time during the Relevant Period, in which event the issued ordinary share capital of the Company shall be taken to be the amount of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company as altered (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings);

"Relevant Period" means the period commencing from the date on which the last AGM was held and expiring on the date the next AGM is held or is required by law to be held, whichever is the earlier, after the date of this Resolution;

"Maximum Price" in relation to a Share to be purchased, means an amount (excluding brokerage, stamp duties, applicable goods and services tax and other related expenses) not exceeding:

  1. in the case of a Market Purchase : 105% of the Average Closing Price;
  2. in the case of an Off-Market Purchase : 120% of the Average Closing Price, where:

"Average Closing Price" refers to the average of the closing market prices of the Shares over the last 5 Market Days, on which transactions in the Share were recorded, before the day on which the Market Purchases are made or the date of the making of the offer pursuant to the Off-Market Purchase, and deemed to be adjusted for any corporate action that occurs during the relevant 5-day period and the date of the Market Purchase, or the date of the making of the offer pursuant to the Off-Market Purchase, as the case may be;

"day of the making of the offer" means the day on which the Company announces its intention to make an offer for the purchase of Shares from Shareholders of the Company stating the purchase price (which shall not be more than the Maximum Price calculated on the foregoing basis) for each Share and the relevant terms of the equal access scheme for effecting the Off-Market Purchase; and

The Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to complete and do all such acts and things (including executing such documents as may be required) as they may consider expedient or necessary to give effect to the transactions contemplated by this Resolution.

[See Explanatory Note (iv)]

(Resolution 6)

By Order of the Board

Siau Kuei Lian

Company Secretary

Singapore, 15 July 2024




Explanatory Notes:

  1. Mr Chew Choy Seng, if re-elected, will remain as the Independent Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, a member of Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee respectively, and will be considered independent for the purpose of Rule 704(8) of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST. Please refer to the Corporate Governance Statement in the Annual Report for the detailed information as required pursuant to Rule 720(6) of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST.
  2. Mr Chew Mun Yew will retire as an Independent Director at the conclusion of the AGM, he will relinquish his positions as a Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, and a member of the Audit Committee and Nominating Committee.
  3. Resolution 5, if passed, will empower the Directors of the Company from the date of this AGM until the date of the next AGM of the Company, or the date by which the next AGM of the Company is required by law to be held or such authority is varied or revoked by the Company in a general meeting, whichever is the earlier, to issue shares, make or grant Instruments convertible into shares and to issue shares pursuant to such Instruments, up to a number not exceeding, in aggregate 50% of the total number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) in the capital of the Company, of which up to 20% may be issued other than on a pro rata basis to existing shareholders of the Company.
    For determining the aggregate number of shares that may be issued, the percentage of issued shares in the capital of the Company will be calculated based on the total number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) in the capital of the Company at the time this Resolution is passed after adjusting for new shares arising from the conversion or exercise of the Instruments or any convertible securities, the exercise of share options or the vesting of share awards outstanding or subsisting at the time when this Resolution is passed and any subsequent consolidation or subdivision of shares.
  4. Resolution 6, if passed, will empower the Directors of the Company to repurchase ordinary shares of the Company by way of market purchases or off-market purchases of up to 10% of the total number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) in the capital of the Company as at the date of the AGM at which this Ordinary Resolution is passed. The rationale for, the authority and limitation on, the sources of the funds to be used for the purchase or acquisition, including the amount of financing and financial effects of the purchase or acquisition of the ordinary shares by the Company pursuant to the Share Buyback Mandate on the audited consolidated financial accounts of the Group for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 are set out in greater detail in the Appendix despatched together with the Annual Report 2024.


  1. The AGM of the Company will be held, in a wholly physical format at Rose Room, Level 3, The Chevrons, 48 Boon Lay Way, Singapore 609961, on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 at 11:00 a.m.. There will be no option for members to participate virtually.
  2. If a member wishes to submit questions related to the resolutions tabled for approval at the AGM prior to the AGM, all questions must be submitted by no later than 11:00 a.m. on 22 July 2024 through email to corpadmin@chasen-logistics.comor via mail to the Company's registered office at 6 Tuas Avenue 20, Singapore 638820 and provide the following particulars, for verification purpose:
    • full name as it appears on his/her/its CDP and/or SRS share records;
    • NRIC/Passport/UEN number;
    • contact number and email address; and
    • the manner in which you hold in the Company (e.g. via CDP and/or SRS).

Please note that the Company will not be able to answer questions from persons who provide insufficient details to enable the Company to verify his/her/its shareholder status.

Alternatively, member may also ask question during the AGM.

  1. The Company will endeavour to address all substantial and relevant questions received from shareholders by 25 July 2024, 11:00 a.m., being not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the closing date and time for the lodgement of the proxy form, via SGXNet and the Company's website. The Company will also address any subsequent clarifications sought or follow- up questions during the AGM in respect of substantial and relevant matters. Where substantially similar questions are received, the Company will consolidate such questions and consequently not all questions will be individually addressed. The responses from the Board and the Management of the Company shall thereafter be published on (i) the SGXNet at the URL; and (ii) the Company's website at the URL, together with the minutes of the AGM, within one (1) month after the conclusion of the AGM. The minutes will include the responses to substantial and relevant questions received from shareholders which are addressed during the AGM.
  2. A member of the Company (other than a Relevant Intermediary*) entitled to attend, speak and vote at the AGM of the Company is entitled to appoint not more than two (2) proxies or Chairman to attend, speak and vote in his/her/its stead at the AGM of the Company. A proxy need not be a member of the Company.




  1. Where a member appoints two (2) proxies, he/she shall specify the proportion of his/her shareholding to be represented by each proxy. If no such proportion or number is specified, the first named proxy may be treated as representing 100% of the shareholding and any second proxy as an alternate to the first named.
    If no specific direction as to voting is given or in the event of any other matter arising at the AGM and at any adjournment thereof, the proxy/proxies (except where the Chairman of the AGM is appointed as the member's proxy) will vote or abstain from voting at his/her/their discretion. In the absence of specific direction as to the voting given by a member, the appointment of the Chairman of the AGM as the member's proxy for the relevant resolutions will be treated as invalid.
  2. A member who is a Relevant Intermediary* may appoint more than two (2) proxies to attend, speak and vote at the AGM, but each proxy must be appointed to exercise the rights attached to a different share or shares held by him/her/it (which number and class of shares shall be specified). Where such member appoints more than two (2) proxies, the appointments shall be invalid unless the member specifies the number of shares in relation to which each proxy has been appointed.
  3. The instrument appointing a proxy or proxies must be under the hand of the appointor or of his/her attorney duly authorised in writing. Where the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies is executed by a corporation, it must be executed either under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised. Where the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies is executed by an attorney on behalf of the appointor, the letter or power of attorney or a duly certified copy thereof must be lodged with the instrument, falling which the instrument may be treated as invalid.
  4. The completed proxy form must be submitted to the Company in the following manner:-
    1. by post to the Company's Share Registrar office, c/o Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd., 1 Harbourfront Avenue, #14-07 Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632, or
    2. by email to;

by no later than 11:00 a.m. on 27 July 2024 (being not less than seventy-two (72) hours before the time appointed for holding the AGM (or at any adjournment thereof) and in default the proxy form for the AGM shall not be treated as valid.

  1. Investors who hold shares through Relevant Intermediaries*, including under the Central Provident Fund Investment Scheme ("CPF Investors") or the Supplementary Retirement Scheme ("SRS Investors"), and who wish to appoint the Chairman of the AGM as their proxy should approach their respective Relevant Intermediaries*, including CPF Agent Banks or SRS Operators, to submit their votes at least seven (7) working days before the AGM (i.e. by 5:00 p.m. on 18 July 2024).
  2. The Company shall be entitled to reject the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies if it is incomplete, improperly completed, illegible or where the true intentions of the appointor are not ascertainable from the instructions of the appointor specified in the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies.
  3. In the case of a member whose Shares are entered against his/her/its name in the Depository Register (as defined in Section 81SF of the Securities and Futures Act 2001), the Company may reject any instrument appointing the proxy or proxies lodged if such member, being appointor, is not shown to have Shares entered against his/her/its name in the Depository Register as at seventy-two (72) hours before the time appointed for holding the AGM, as certified by The Central Depository (Pte) Limited to the Company.
  • A Relevant Intermediary is:
  1. a banking corporation licensed under the Banking Act 1970 of Singapore, or a wholly-owned subsidiary of such a banking corporation, whose business includes the provision of nominee services and who holds shares in that capacity; or
  2. a person holding a capital markets services licence to provide custodial services for securities under the Securities and Futures Act 2001 of Singapore, and who holds shares in that capacity; or
  3. the Central Provident Fund Board established by the Central Provident Fund Act 1953 of Singapore, in respect of shares purchased under the subsidiary legislation made under that Act providing for the making of investments from the contributions and interest standing to the credit of members of the Central Provident Fund, if the Board holds those shares in the capacity of an intermediary pursuant to or in accordance with that subsidiary legislation.





By (a) submitting an instrument appointing a proxy(ies) and/or representative(s) or the Chairman of the Meeting as a proxy to attend, speak and vote at the AGM and/or any adjournment thereof, or (b) submitting any question prior to the AGM of the Company in accordance with this Notice, a member of the Company consents to the collection, use and disclosure of the member's personal data by the Company (or its agents or service providers) for the following purposes:-

  1. processing, administration and analysis by the Company (or its agents or service providers) of proxies and representatives appointed for the AGM (including any adjournment thereof) and the preparation and compilation of the attendance lists, proxy lists, minutes and other documents relating to the AGM (including any adjournment thereof), and in order for the Company (or its agents or service providers) to comply with any applicable laws, listing rules, take-over rules, regulations and/or guidelines (collectively, the "Purposes");
  2. warrants that where the member discloses the personal data of the member's proxy(ies) and/or representative(s) to the Company (or its agents or service providers), the member has obtained the prior consent of such proxy(ies) and/or representative(s) for the collection, use and disclosure by the Company (or its agents or service providers) of the personal data of such proxy(ies) and/or representative(s) for the Purposes;
  3. addressing substantial and relevant questions from members received before the AGM and if necessary, following up with the relevant members in relation to such questions;
  4. enabling the Company (or its agents or service providers) to comply with any applicable laws, listing rules, regulations and/or guidelines by the relevant authorities, and
  5. agrees that the member will indemnify the Company in respect of any penalties, liabilities, claims, demands, losses and damages as a result of the member's breach of warranty.

The member's personal data may be disclosed or transferred by the Company to its subsidiaries, its share registrar and/or other agents or bodies for any of the abovementioned purposes, and retained for such period as may be necessary for the Company's verification and record purposes. Photographic, sound and/or video recordings of the AGM of the Company may be made by the Company for record keeping and to ensure the accuracy of the minutes prepared of the AGM of the Company. Accordingly, the personal data of a member (such as his name, his presence at the AGM of the Company and any questions he may raise or motions he propose/second) may be recorded by the Company for such purpose.



(Company Registration No. 199906814G) (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore)



(Please see notes overleaf before completing this Form)


  1. The AGM of the Company will be held, in a wholly physical format at Rose Room, Level 3, The Chevrons, 48 Boon Lay Way, Singapore 609961, on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 at 11:00 a.m.. There will be no option for members to participate virtually.
  2. Investors who hold shares through Relevant Intermediaries*, including under the Central Provident Fund Investment Scheme ("CPF Investors") or the Supplementary Retirement Scheme ("SRS Investors"), and who wish to appoint the Chairman of the AGM as their proxy should approach their respective Relevant Intermediaries*, including CPF Agent Banks or SRS Operators, to submit their votes at least seven (7) working days before the AGM (i.e. by 5:00 p.m. on 18 July 2024).
  3. This Proxy Form is not valid for use by CPF and SRS Investors and shall be ineffective for all intents and purposes if used or purported to be used by them.
  4. Please read the notes to the proxy form.



(NRIC/Passport No./

Company Registration No.)


being a member/members* of Chasen Holdings Limited (the "Company"), hereby appoint:-


NRIC/Passport No.

Proportion of Shareholdings

No. of Shares



*and/or (delete as appropriate)


NRIC/Passport No.

Proportion of Shareholdings

No. of Shares



or failing *him/her/them, the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting of the Company (the "AGM") *my/our *proxy/ proxies to attend, speak and vote for *me/us on *my/our behalf at the AGM to be held at Rose Room, Level 3, The Chevrons, 48 Boon Lay Way, Singapore 609961 on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 at 11:00 a.m., and at any adjournment thereof.

*I/We direct the *my/our *proxy/proxies, to vote for or against, or abstain from voting on the Resolutions to be proposed at the AGM as indicated hereunder. If no specific direction as to voting is given or in the event of any other matter arising at the AGM and at any adjournment thereof, the *proxy/proxies (except where the Chairman of the AGM is appointed as *my/our proxy) will vote or abstain from voting at *his/her/their discretion. In the absence of specific directions in respect of a resolution, the appointment of the Chairman of the AGM as *my/our proxy for that resolution will be treated as invalid.




of votes

of votes

of votes


Resolutions relating to:




Ordinary Businesses


Adoption of the Directors' Statement and Audited Financial Statements of

the Company and the Group for the financial year ended 31 March 2024

together with the Auditors' Report thereon


Re-election of Mr Chew Choy Seng as a Director of the Company


Approval of Directors' fees for the financial year ending 31 March 2025,

with payment to be made quarterly in arrears


Re-appointment of Messrs Forvis Mazars LLP as Auditors of the Company

and authority to Directors to fix their remuneration

Special Businesses


Authority to allot and issue shares in the capital of the Company


Renewal of Share Buyback Mandate

  • Delete where inapplicable.
  • If you wish to exercise all your votes "For" or "Against" or "Abstain", please indicate with a tick within the box provided. Alternatively, please indicate the number of votes as appropriate.

Dated this

day of


Total number of Shares held

Signature of Shareholder(s)

and/or Common Seal of Corporate Shareholder


  1. Please insert the total number of shares in the capital of the Company ("Shares") held by you. If you have Shares entered against your name in the Depository Register (as defined in Section 81SF of the Securities and Futures Act 2001 of Singapore), you should insert that number of Shares. If you have Shares registered in your name in the Register of Members, you should insert that number of Shares. If you have Shares entered against your name in the Depository Register and Shares registered in your name in the Register of Members, you should insert the aggregate number of Shares entered against your name in the Depository Register and registered in your name in the Register of Members. If no number is inserted, the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies shall be deemed to relate to all the Shares held by you.
  2. A member of the Company (other than a Relevant Intermediary*) entitled to attend, speak and vote at the AGM of the Company is entitled to appoint not more than two (2) proxies or Chairman to attend, speak and vote in his/her/its stead at the AGM of the Company. A proxy need not be a member of the Company.
  3. Where a member appoints two (2) proxies, he/she shall specify the proportion of his/her shareholding to be represented by each proxy. If no such proportion or number is specified, the first named proxy may be treated as representing 100% of the shareholding and any second proxy as an alternate to the first named.
    If no specific direction as to voting is given or in the event of any other matter arising at the AGM and at any adjournment thereof, the proxy/proxies (except where the Chairman of the AGM is appointed as the member's proxy) will vote or abstain from voting at his/her/ their discretion. In the absence of specific direction as to the voting given by a member, the appointment of the Chairman of the AGM as the member's proxy for the relevant resolutions will be treated as invalid.
  4. A member who is a Relevant Intermediary* may appoint more than two (2) proxies to attend, speak and vote at the AGM, but each proxy must be appointed to exercise the rights attached to a different share or shares held by him/her/it (which number and class of shares shall be specified). Where such member appoints more than two (2) proxies, the appointments shall be invalid unless the member specifies the number of shares in relation to which each proxy has been appointed.
  5. The instrument appointing a proxy or proxies must be under the hand of the appointor or of his/her attorney duly authorised in writing. Where the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies is executed by a corporation, it must be executed either under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised. Where the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies is executed by an attorney on behalf of the appointor, the letter or power of attorney or a duly certified copy thereof must be lodged with the instrument, falling which the instrument may be treated as invalid.

Fold along this line (1)





6 Tuas Avenue 20

Singapore 638820

Fold along this line (2)

  1. The completed proxy form must be submitted to the Company by post to the Company's Share Registrar office, c/o Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd., 1 Harbourfront Avenue, #14-07 Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632, or by email to corpadmin@chasen-logistics.comby no later than 11:00 a.m. on 27 July 2024 (being not less than seventy-two (72) hours before the time appointed for holding the AGM (or at any adjournment thereof) and in default the proxy form for the AGM shall not be treated as valid.
  2. Investors who hold shares through Relevant Intermediaries*, including under the Central Provident Fund Investment Scheme ("CPF Investors") or the Supplementary Retirement Scheme ("SRS Investors"), and who wish to appoint the Chairman of the AGM as a proxy should approach their respective Relevant Intermediaries*, including CPF Agent Banks or SRS Operators, to submit their votes at least seven (7) working days before the AGM (i.e. by 5:00 p.m. on 18 July 2024).

* A Relevant Intermediary is:

  1. a banking corporation licensed under the Banking Act 1970 of Singapore, or a wholly-owned subsidiary of such a banking corporation, whose business includes the provision of nominee services and who holds shares in that capacity; or
  2. a person holding a capital markets services licence to provide custodial services for securities under the Securities and Futures Act 2001 of Singapore, and who holds shares in that capacity; or
  3. the Central Provident Fund Board established by the Central Provident Fund Act 1953 of Singapore, in respect of shares purchased under the subsidiary legislation made under that Act providing for the making of investments from the contributions and interest standing to the credit of members of the Central Provident Fund, if the Central Provident Fund Board holds those shares in the capacity of an intermediary pursuant to or in accordance with that subsidiary legislation.


The Company shall be entitled to reject the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies if it is incomplete, improperly completed or illegible, or where the true intentions of the appointor are not ascertainable from the instructions of the appointor specified in the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies. In addition, in the case of Shares entered in the Depository Register, the Company may reject any instrument appointing a proxy or proxies lodged if the member, being the appointor, is not shown to have Shares entered against his name in the Depository Register as at seventy-two (72) hours before the time appointed for holding the AGM, as certified by The Central Depository (Pte) Limited to the Company.


By submitting an instrument appointing the Chairman of the AGM as a proxy, the member is deemed to have accepted and agreed to the personal data privacy terms set out in the Notice of AGM dated 15 July 2024.

3rd fold along line and glue overleaf. Do not staple


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Chasen Holdings Limited published this content on 15 July 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 16 July 2024 01:49:02 UTC.