Did you know?

  • Only 2 in 5 Australian companies have policies to attract and retain Indigenous workers.
  • One-third of Australian companies with Indigenous recruitment policies in place are not aware of their success rate.

These facts were revealed in Chandler Macleod's recent whitepaper on Talent Management, and in a recent interview with the Australian, Marcia Ella-Duncan (GM, Indigenous Centre of Excellence) says that whilst employers are well-intentioned they aren't sure how to take the next step and actually put their plans into action.

The key is actual engagement with Indigenous Australians - simple conversations with local Indigenous community members, or participation in Indigenous community events which provide the opportunity to learn about the rich cultural heritage of our First Australians and can open up networking opportunities.

If you're based in Sydney, check out 'Corroboree', a cultural festival held from 20-30 November with films, live performances, markets and exhibitions held at various locations around the CBD.

Find out more about the Corroboree Sydney Festival here.

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