Cabasse Société anonyme (ENXTPA:ALCAB) commences share repurchases on June 11, 2024, under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on June 23, 2023. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase its own shares for a nominal amount of ?1.5 million, such that the company?s holding in treasury does not exceed 10% of its issued share capital. The maximum purchase price per must not exceed ?28 per share. The repurchased shares will be used for the implementation of stock option plans, free share allocation plans, employee shareholding operations reserved for members of a company savings plan, in accordance with legal provisions in force, or allocation of shares for the benefit of employees and/or executive corporate officers of the company and companies linked to it; or for the delivery of shares upon the exercise of rights attached to securities giving access to the company's capital; or for use in the context of any operation to hedge the company's commitments under financial instruments relating in particular to changes in the price of the company's shares; or for the retention of shares and their subsequent delivery in payment or exchange in the context of possible external growth, merger, split or contribution operations; or for the total or partial cancellation of shares by way of reduction of the share capital; or for the animation of the stock market within the framework of a liquidity contract concluded with an investment service provider. The authority will be valid for a period of 18 months until December 22, 2024.

On April 22, 2024, the company announces a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase its own shares.