Milan, May 14, 2012 - Buongiorno S.p.A. ("Buongiorno") announces that today a tender offer was presented by DOCOM O Deutschland Gm bH (the "Offerer") to acquire all shares in Buongiorno S.p.A. (the "Issuer"), for the corresponding considerat ion of

2.00 Euro for each share in the Com pany.
Any other evaluation, in addition to any other data useful for full com prehension of the Offer, and addit ional details regarding variations in the SHA will be disclosed in the Issuer's Comm unication as per art. 103 comm a 3 of Law 58/98, to be released by the Com pany once full analysis of the Offer has been com pleted. The Board of Directors deliberated additionally, based on the recomm endation of the Independent Directors, to nam e Mediobanca S.p.A. the financial advisor in the transaction.
The Board of Directors also acknowledged that the Offer is conditional upon Buongiorno's approval by M ay 14, 2012, and the approval of Pajala B.V. (indirect ly controlled by Buongiorno) by M ay 15, 2012, by w ay of a letter signed and sent by the private equity fund Francisco Partners w ith reference to the agreem ent signed October 31 2011 betw een the tw o com panies in relation t o Lum ata (the "SHA"). The aforem entioned letter foresees, inter alia, that an eventual change of control on the part of Buongiorno does not result in a violation of the non -com pete and lock-up clauses in the contract, but does result in Buongiorno's loss of som e m inority rights in Lum ata, as foreseen in the SHA and detailed in the Inform ative Docum ent published on Novem ber 15, 2011.
The Board of Directors, after a prelim inary analysis of the essential com ponents of the Offer, and in particular an analysis of the proposed price w hich w ould result in a considerable rew ard w hen com pared w ith the recent stock price perform ance of the Com pany, deliberated to proceed w ith underw riting the letter of tender offer that integrates the effective condit ions of the Offer. Based on this analysis, the Shareholders concluded that the expirat ion of the Offer w as not in the interest of neither the Shareholders, nor of Buongiorno itself, and thus decided to exam ine the details of the Offer and its im plications for the Shareholders and the Com pany. Additionally, Pajala also proceeded to underw rite the aforem entioned letter of tender offer.


About Buongiorno S.p.A.

Buongiorno is known in the worldwide mobile commerce ecosystem for developing and managing paid apps and contents that help consumers

get greater enjoyment from mobile devices.

With direct connections to more than 130 telecom operators in 25 countries, over 10 year s' experience and a team of 800 professionals,

Buongiorno makes the mobile internet experience happen. In 2011, Buongiorno r efocused its business on the B2C sector, materia lized via the acquisition of Dada.net and the spin-off of the majority of its B2B business.

Buongiorno concentrates exclusively on delivering a top notch mobile enter tainment experience to end consumers and is investi ng heavily to

market a few high-potential businesses based on paid content on mobile, such as the mobile payments solution Cashlog.com and e- Gaming portal Winga.com.

Buongiorno is headquar tered and listed in Milan (FTSE Italy STAR: BNG).

For more information about Buongiorno, please visit the website: www.buongior no.comor contact:

Emily Rose Catalano Now! Pr

Investor Relations Daniele Comboni / Mattia Zanetti Tel. +39 02 582131 Tel. +39 02 881290334 emily.catalano@ buongiorno. com danielec@nowpr. i t ; mattiaz@nowpr.it

About NTT Docomo

NTT DOCOMO is a world-leading integrated- services company centered on mobility. The company ser ves over 60 million mobile customers in

Japan via advanced wireless networks, including a nationwide 3G network and one of the world's first commercial LTE networks. Leveraging its unique capabilities as a mobile operator, DOCOMO is a leading developer of cutting-edge technologies for NFC mobile payments, mobile GPS, mobile TV, intuitive mobile assistance, environmental monitoring, smart grids and much more. Overseas, the company provides tech nical and operational exper tise to eight mobile oper ators and other par tner companies. NTT DOCOMO is listed on the Tokyo (9437), Lo ndon (NDCM) and New York (DCM) stock exchanges. Please visit www.nttdocomo.com for more information.


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