13th January 2014, London: Brady plc (BRY.L), the leading global supplier of Commodity, Energy and Recycling Software for Transaction Processing and Risk Management,  is pleased to provide an update on new contracts. Over the last 6 weeks the Company has signed four new significant licence agreements. These contracts further strengthen the Group's backlog for 2014 and create a positive outlook for the year.

Two of the contracts were signed by global cross-asset trading organisations. The first organisation is the recently established physical trading arm of a Brazilian bank with operations in the US and the UK that licensed Brady to handle the management of its commodity trading operations and warehousing and the second one is a US-headquartered multi-asset trading company based in Stamford, CT, that currently relies on Brady's solutions for managing its raw materials trading operations and has now additionally selected Brady to handle its refined metal trading and risk operations.

The other two significant deals were secured in the recycling space with new customers to Brady, who will be deploying Brady's Commodity Recycling Enterprise solution across several locations in the US to manage their end-to-end metal recycling processes, addressing their unique financial, commercial and operational requirements.

Gavin Lavelle, CEO of Brady, commented: "I am delighted to report the high level of year end deal closures, which puts us in a great position for the start of the New Financial Year. It is also confirmation of the economic recovery in the Americas and underpins our decision to continue to build on our US resources to support and service this growing customer-base". Continuing he said: "It is testimony to Brady's unparalleled competence and global presence in the commodity trading space and the domain experience and the credibility of our staff, that we are able to secure customer projects of this scope and diversity".


Editorial contact for Brady

Rebecca Sanders Hewett/David Ison

Redleaf Polhill

Tel: +44 (0) 20 566 6720

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Notes to Editors

About Brady plc

Brady plc (BRY.L) is the largest European-headquartered provider of trading and risk management software to the global commodity, recycling and energy markets. Brady combines fully integrated and complete solutions supporting the entire commodity trading operation, from capture of financial and physical trading, through risk management, handling of physical operations, back office financials and treasury settlement, for energy, refined and unrefined metals, scrap and secondary metals, soft commodities and agricultural products.

Brady has 25 years' expertise in the commodity markets with over 300 customers worldwide, who depend on Brady's software solutions to deliver vital business transactions across their global operations. Brady clients include many of the world's largest financial institutions, trading companies, miners, refiners and producers, tier one banks and a large number of London Metal Exchange (LME) Category 1 and 2 clearing members and many leading European energy generators, traders and consumers.

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