BQE Water Inc. has entered into an Operating Services Agreement with Minto Metals Corp. to provide plant operations services for an existing water treatment plant at Minto Mine located approximately 240 km northwest of Whitehorse, Yukon through to 2024. Under the agreement, BQE Water will be responsible for clean water production at the mine where the final effluent must meet stringent requirements not only for metals but ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to protect the aquatic life in the receiving environment.

Included in the operations services provided by BQE Water will be onsite technical supervision, coordination with Minto's environmental and metallurgical team to maximize the volume of water discharged into the environment, operator training, and onsite and offsite engineering support. BQE Water's compensation will be composed of a base monthly fee and a supplemental fee for the volume of water treated that meets discharge specifications. It is estimated the plant will treat and discharge 400,000 m3 of mine water for the remainder of the year and approximately 750,000 to 1 M m3 of mine water in each subsequent year of the current contract.