Blue Prism has collaborated with the EY Foundation to provide paid work experience and mentors through the EY Foundation ten month Smart Futures programme. Through the Smart Futures work experience, students will gain a variety of transferable skills and help them identify their next step, whether that's university, college, an apprenticeship or a job, while receiving guidance and advice from a mentor throughout the programme. Through the collaboration with the EY Foundation, Blue Prism will build a more diverse workforce and gain a deeper understanding of how to attract and retain young talent. Not only will this set up local students for success in the workplace, it will prepare Blue Prism to serve its increasingly diverse customer base. The collaboration will also help with leadership development for Blue Prism employees through mentor relationships with students in the program. Ultimately, Blue Prism aims to strengthen the company's community relationships and contribute to the local economy by giving young people the tools they need to succeed in the technology sector.