Black Knight Financial Services, Inc. announced that its LoanSphere Empower loan origination system will be integrated with PitchPoint Solutions by the second quarter of 2017. The integration will enable Empower users to seamlessly access PitchPoint's tools to help detect fraud schemes, as well as vet third-party providers on first-lien and home equity loan originations to support investor and regulatory compliance. PitchPoint is used by lenders for validation of settlement agents before working with them on the Closing Disclosure, as well as for wire-transfer verifications. The solution, newly integrated with Empower, also provides other loan-fraud risk tools to support a lending operation, and includes unique alert features and online access to fraud researchers. Users of the Empower loan origination system will be able to easily configure rules and workflow to support the review of risk factors and address each alert to help prevent unnecessary delays to the closing. With the PitchPoint integration, lenders that use PitchPoint through Empower can streamline their loan fraud tests and vendor vetting -- including wire-transfer instruction verification -- to assist in improving loan productivity. The tests flag fraud and other risk factors related to the borrower, occupancy, undisclosed liens, income, employment, collateral and participants to the transaction. The integrated solution helps confirm that participants, including settlement agents, third-party originators and appraisal management companies, are vetted to work on the loan. The integration also provides additional tools to assist in detecting cyber fraud, such as fraudulent wire transfer instructions as highlighted in recent Fannie Mae and FBI bulletins.