Black Knight, Inc. announced that AmeriNational Community Services, LLC (AmeriNat) has signed an agreement to use Black Knight's suite of servicing and default solutions to support its growing business. The suite includes use of MSP, Black Knight's servicing system, as well as its Servicing Digital solution, Actionable Intelligence Platform and default capabilities for loss mitigation, foreclosure and bankruptcy. Black Knight's MSP system is a complete, scalable, end-to-end system used by mortgage servicers of all sizes to manage their servicing processes, including loan setup and maintenance, escrow administration, investor reporting, regulatory requirements and more. MSP helps servicers increase efficiency, reduce operating costs and improve risk mitigation for more than 34 million active loans currently serviced on the system. AmeriNat will also use Black Knight's Servicing Digital solution, which enables homeowners to easily perform tasks and view information related to their mortgages through a simple, user-friendly interface, while providing a platform for continual engagement between servicers and their customers. The innovative, customer-centric mobile solution delivers useful information specific to an individual's mortgage, property and local housing market by accessing the servicer's data through Black Knight's comprehensive, end-to-end MSP system, as well as the company's property records database, advanced analytics and automated valuation models. AmeriNat will also implement Black Knight's Actionable Intelligence Platform (AIP), a unified data delivery framework that combines Black Knight's extensive data assets, patented big data ecosystem and enterprise business intelligence capabilities into a single solution. Black Knight's AIP offers an array of pre-configured suites – including Bankruptcy, Cash, Collections, Compliance, Home Equity, Lien Alert, Customer Service, Escrow, Investor and Executive suites – to help servicing clients reduce risk, increase customer retention and decrease operational costs. In addition, AmeriNat will implement Black Knight's suite of default solutions, which includes Black Knight's Loss Mitigation, Bankruptcy and Foreclosure solutions. Loss Mitigation provides servicers with full functionality to support industry-standard retention and liquidation workouts, while the Bankruptcy and Foreclosure solutions further streamline default processes. All of these default technologies are seamlessly integrated with the MSP system.