Bioxytran, Inc. announced that Bioxtran's Science Advisor Prof. Avraham Mayevsky's book titled Hyperbaric Oxygenation Mitochondrial Activity and Brain Physiological Functions was published by a publishing house, Springer. It is available by eBook or Hardcover. The book is directly tied to the Hypoxia platform technology which uses the MDX Viewer as an analytical method, which is an FDA approved device to measure tissue oxygenation.

The device measures the consumption of oxygen molecules in tissues on a cellular level. The output of the MDX Viewer is the Brain Metabolic Score BMS, which is a vital part of the approval process for Bioxytran's acellular oxygen carrier (AOC) molecule called BXT-25. Bioxytran plans on using the BXT-25 in its clinical trials for ischemic stroke and Alzheimer's disease patients as a way to replace hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT).

The book is a comprehensive overview of the effects of hyperbaric oxygen on brain functions including mitochondrial activity. The MDX viewer is an FDA approved medical device that measures tissue metabolic score and its results are cited many times throughout the book. The results from the MDX viewer provided a solid foundation upon which he was able to further elucidate the relationship between oxygenation and cerebral function with respect to hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

The book also discusses the effects of hyperbaric air treatment on brain biochemical and physiological responses that can influence mitochondrial activity, which is essential for energy production. The evidence suggests that hyperbaric oxygen improves cerebral blood flow and tissue oxygenation which ultimately results in a positive impact on brain functioning and performance.