36Kr Holdings Inc. announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Zhi-Tech Group to broaden its business expansion and commercialization initiatives. 36Kr and Zhi-Tech will leverage their diverse strengths and resources to jointly explore commercialization and expansion opportunities in the consumer sector. 36Kr has accumulated a massive user base and deep client experience over its past decade of serving New Economy enterprises, while Zhi-Tech boasts deep expertise in e-commerce and various consumer sectors such as digital and 3C products, household appliances, groceries and fresh foods, beauty and cosmetics, among others.

Under this strategic cooperation, the two companies will extend their customer reach and bolster their market influence through collaborative original content creation, joint marketing service offerings and product innovation. Meanwhile, as AIGC trailblazers, 36Kr's data insights and cutting-edge AI applications as well as Zhi-Tech's consumer LLM tools will empower the two companies to create a more competitive and dynamic ecosystem, fostering more experimental products, better services, and ultimately greater commercialization.