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(Stock Code: 0187) ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE SECOND EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE SEVENTH BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND RESIGNATION OF DIRECTOR The Board of Directors of the Company and all members of the Board of Directors warrant that this announcement does not contain any false information, misleading statement or material omission, and severally and jointly accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents herein contained.

Pursuant to the notice of meeting dated 10 January 2012, the second extraordinary meeting of the seventh Board of Directors (the "Board") of Beiren Printing Machinery Holdings Limited (the "Company") was held at Conference Room No. 6203 of the Company at 2/F, No. 6 Rong Chang Dong Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, the PRC on 12 January 2012. 8 directors were eligible to attend the meeting and 7 of them attended the meeting in person. Independent non-executive director Mr. Xu Wencai was absent from the meeting due to business engagement, and had appointed independent non-executive director Ms. Wang Hui to attend the meeting and vote on his behalf. The supervisors and senior management of the Company also attended the meeting. The convening of the meeting was in compliance with the requirements of all applicable laws and the Articles of Association of the Company.
Mr. Zhang Peiwu, a Director, was elected by over half of the Directors to be the convener and chairman of the meeting, at which the following resolutions were each considered and approved by the directors who attended the meeting:
1. The resolution for the election of the Chairman of the seventh Board of the Company was considered and approved
Due to job changes, Mr. Zhao Guorong tendered his resignation to the Board of the Company, resigning from the positions of Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of the Company, resigning from the positions of convener of the Strategic Committee of the Board and member of the
Remuneration and Monitoring Committee, and resigning from the position of Hong Kong authorized representative. The Board of the Company fully respects the decision of Mr. Zhao Guorong and accepts his application for resignation effective from 12 January 2012. Other Directors of the Board of the Company continue to discharge their rights and duties.
Mr. Zhao Guorong has confirmed that there were no other matters relating to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of all the shareholders of the Company. The Board of the Company and Mr. Zhao Guorong have confirmed that they were not aware of any personal obligations that Mr. Zhao Guorong shall be responsible to the Company and its subsidiaries or the effects on such obligations as a result of the resignation. The Board and Mr. Zhao Guorong have also confirmed that there was no disagreement between Mr. Zhao Guorong and the Company which would have caused the resignation of Mr. Zhao Guorong.
The Board of the Company hereby extends its appreciation to Mr. Zhao Guorong's contribution to the Company and the Board during his terms of office.
The Board elects Director Mr. Zhang Peiwu as the Chairman of the Board of the Company.
The number of valid votes for the resolution was 8, with 8 for votes, 0 against vote, and 0 abstaining vote.
2. The resolution for the election of Mr. Zhang Peiwu as the convener of the Strategic Committee of the Board of the Company was considered and approved.
The number of valid votes for the resolution was 8, with 8 for votes, 0 against vote, and 0 abstaining vote.
3. The resolution for the election of Mr. Zhang Peiwu as a member of the Remuneration and
Monitoring Committee of the Board of the Company was considered and approved.
The number of valid votes for the resolution was 8, with 8 for votes, 0 against vote, and 0 abstaining vote.
4. The resolution for the change of Hong Kong authorized representative of the Company was considered and approved.
As Mr. Zhao Guorong resigned from the position of Hong Kong authorized representative, the Board has appointed Mr. Zhang Peiwu as the authorized representative of the Company in Hong Kong together with the existing authorized representative Ms. Jiao Ruifang.
The number of valid votes for the resolution was 8, with 8 for votes, 0 against vote, and 0 abstaining vote.
5. The resolution for the adjustment of the Company's organizational structure was considered and approved.
The number of valid votes for the resolution was 8, with 8 for votes, 0 against vote, and 0 abstaining vote.
The Board of Directors

Beiren Printing Machinery Holdings Limited

Beijing, the PRC
12 January 2012

As at the date of this announcement, the Board of the Company comprises Mr. Zhang Peiwu as executive director, Mr. Teng Mingzhi, Mr. Li Shenggao and Ms. Wei Li as non-executive directors and Mr. Xu Wencai, Ms. Wang Hui, Mr. Xie Bingguang and Mr. Wang Deyu as independent non-executive directors.


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