
Winners of II Edition Befesa Photography Contest

We already know the winners of II Edition of Befesa Photography Contest. By valuing the composition, creativity and technique, and without knowing the identity of the participants, the jury issued the votes.

The jury, which chose this year's winners, comprised the following members:

- Javier Molina Monte: chairman of Befesa.

- Antonio Marín Hita: Befesa general counsel.

- Juan Albizu: Befesa consolidation and reporting manager.

- Lucía Gómez del Rio: Befesa human resources manager.

- Francisco Bolaños Rowe: Befesa internal audit manager.

- Rafael Pérez Gómez: Befesa strategy and innovation manager.

- Carlos Bousoño Crespo: Waste to Biofuels manager.

- Esther González González (representing Alfredo Velasco Erquicia): Befesa new business development department

- Juan Luis López Bulne (representing Ignacio García Hernández): Befesa finance department.

The first prize of € 600 for each category has been awarded to:

1. Befesa and nature:

- Rodrigo Alexis Mercado Choque: Soluciones Ambientales del Norte (Chile)

2. Befesa and its people

- Andreas Ruh: Befesa Steel Services (Germany)

3. Befesa and its facilities

- Carlota Lázaro Soto: Befesa Medio Ambiente (Spain)

Due to the quality of the photographs submitted, the jury has also decided to award a runners-up prize of € 200 to the following people:

1. Befesa and nature:

- Andreas Ruh: Befesa Steel Services (Germany)

2. Befesa and its people

- Andreas Ruh: Befesa Steel Services (Germany)

3. Befesa and its facilities

- José Alberto Fernández González: Befesa Zinc Aser (Spain)

Workers have to open regularly the furnace for casting the 1400°C liquide alloy produced out of the recycling of residues from stainless steel industry, winner at section Befesa and its people

Alloyed pig iron results from recycling of residues from stainless steel industry and contributes to the sustainability of Nickel, Chrome and iron, second prize at section Befesa and nature

During a shut down of production for maintenance, it´s the only possibility to see the insite of a waelz kiln, normally 1200 hot for recycling of Zn containing residues from steel industry.

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