Zengun Group AB (publ) and Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ) have signed a phase-2 agreement for the forthcoming renovation and remodelling of Soderhallarna. The project aims to strengthen Soderhallarna's position as a natural food destination and creative meeting place at Medborgarplatsen. With its workplaces, shops, restaurants, cinema and a market hall, Soderhallarna has long held a natural position as an important hub in Sodermalm.

The property currently comprises a GFA of approximately 38,000 square metres and achieved the highest level of cultural heritage protection in 2019. This means that the post-modernist architecture of both the interior and exterior of the building is afforded a high level of protection. Together with Atrium Ljungberg, Zengun has carried out phase-1 development for about one year focusing on the design and planning of the actual implementation.

The project encompasses the external and internal renovation and extension of the property and the order value amounts to SEK 775 million. The project has high environmental ambitions and will be environmentally certified under the Very Good level of BREEAM-SE Bespoke.