Atmofizer Technologies Inc. announced that Kemper GmbH is partnering with Atmofizer to integrate Atmofizer ultrafine-particle agglomeration technology into industrial air purification systems and other air purifying systems. The purpose is to apply Atmofizer patent-protected and patent-pending technology to industrial applications that will enable conventional HEPA filtration systems to more efficiently process hazardous dry particles that are small enough to enter the bloodstream through inhalation or that invade the body through contact with skin. Atmofizer's technology works by using ultrasonic waves to bring together the smallest particles into a larger, attached clusters that can be more effectively filtered and neutralized by ultraviolet light. The current demand for air purification systems has been fueled by the need to better address the COVID-19 virus, as the small size of the virus can make it elusive to traditional filtration systems and ultraviolet lights.