Greentech Energy Systems A/S Kongens Nytorv 28, 2

DK - 1050 Copenhagen K Tel: + 45 33 36 42 02

Fax: + 45 33 36 42 01

Copenhagen, 24 January 2013

Company Announcement No 2/2013 Greentech sells its 50% stake of the Wojciechowo project to PGE Energia Odnawlalna S.A.

Today Greentech sold its 50% stake of the Wojciechowo project in Poland to PGE Energia Odnawlalna S.A., the most important company in the Polish energy sector. The wind pro- ject, which has been developed by Eolica Wojciechowo Sp. z o.o , will consist of 14 tur- bines with a total capacity of 28 MW. Following the sale, PGE Energia Odnawlalna S.A. holds 100% ownership of the project.

The transaction price paid to Greentech for the 50% stake is EUR 3,665,372 of which:

a) EUR 3,050,000 as share sale price;

b) EUR 615,372 as shareholder loan repayment.

Greentech's chairman Peter Høstgaard-Jensen comments: "We will continue investing in Poland, a country full of important opportunities in the renewable sector in which we strongly believe and where we still have a pipeline of more than 260 MW. The ownership of 50% of the Wojciechowo project would not have given us the opportunity to consolidate and to run the project. This is the reason why we have decided to sell it to our excellent partner PGE Energia Odnawlalna S.A. in order to focus efforts and resources on industrial investments rather than on financial".

For further information, please contact: Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini, CEO, tel: +45 33 36 42 02
Peter Høstgaard-Jensen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, tel: +45 40 10 88 71

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