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flYDNEY NSW 2000

GF'O Box 17'2

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Telephom1: +11i22: 2000

F41Qill'lllli; +$1 2 9:)22 2001


Nitro Corp.oration Pfy L.td AON G07 GOG 701

The Manager

Company Announcements Office ASX Limited

2 December 2015

Dear Sir/Madam

Takeover bid by Nitro Corporation Pty Ltd ACN 607 606 701 (Nitro) for Asciano Limited

Notice of people to whom information is to be sent

We attach, by way of service pursuant to subsection 633(4) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Corporations Act), a notice confirming the people to whom information Is to be sent under Item• 6 and 12 ofsl1bsectlon 833(1) of the Corporations Act In relation to Nitre's off-market takeover bid for all the fully paid ordinary shares In Asclano Limited.

Yours sincerely

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Michael Ryan Company Secretary

Nitro Corporation Pty L.td ACN 607 606 701

Notice of people to whom information is to be sent under items 6 and 12 of subsection 633(1) of the Corporations Act

To: Asciano Limited ABN 26 123 652 862

In accordance with subsection 633(2) of the Corporations Aol 2001 (Cth) (the Corporations Act), Nitro Corporation Ply Ltd (Acqulrer) has set 7.00pm (Sydney time) on 2 December 2015 as the time and date for determining the people to whom information is to be sent under Items 6 and 12 of subsection 633(1) of the Corporations Act In relation to its off'market takeover bid for all of the fully paid ordlnaiy shares In Asciano Limited,

ate :i Decembes_?9J 5 _


Signed for and on behalf of Nitro Corporation Pty L.td by

sign here

Compafll'. §ecceteqi

print name Michael R en

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