NETBOOSTER (FR0000079683 - ALNBT), the independent leader in the European digital communication sector, today published sales and gross earnings for FY2012.

2012: a year of buoyant growth
Netbooster posted sales of €132m in FY2012, up 59% from FY2011. Gross earnings, which are a more accurate yardstick of business, rose to €34m, up 23% from the year before. New contracts and the successful integration of Metapeople, the German subsidiary, enabled the group to outperform the growth rates of the French and European markets, which amounted to 5% and 10.6%*, respectively. Despite a weak economic environment, Netbooster reported a more than 23% increase in gross earnings during the fourth quarter.

In the past year, profit margins were significantly boosted by an aggressive commercial strategy combined with an all-out drive to streamline the organisation, cut costs and refocus on products and services with higher value added. The EBITDA margin can be expected to soar in the period ahead.

Raphaël Zier commented as follows on these figures: "The colossal effort made by our teams in transition year 2012 paid off in excellent results. We now have the sound fundamentals needed to boost growth and to continue raising profit margins. Results will also benefit from the new Executive Committee, which includes Metapeople's top management. This Committee will be a valuable instrument to grasp opportunities in a market with exponential growth."

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