Turnover: up 15% to €6.1 million

EBITDA: 20% at €1.2 million

Net margin: 11% at €0.7 million

Group figures in € 000 H1 2012 H1 2011 Growth
Turnover from businesses 6,078 5,306 +772
EBITDA 1,214 166 +1,048
EBIT 154 -826 +980
Net profit 659 -556 +1,215

Lyon, 25 September 2012 - ARKOON NETWORK SECURITY is a major player in IT security solutions, offering communications, data and endpoint protection, as well as secure SaaS and cloud computing. The company is listed on Alternext by NYSE-Euronext Paris.

ARKOON NETWORK SECURITY had a successful first half of 2012, owing in particular to the recovery of its subsidiary SKYRECON Systems. SKYRECON Systems was in difficulty when it was taken over two-and-a-half years ago; now it is generating strong, profitable growth that exceeds forecasts. Its customers are particularly keen on its end point protection software solutions, and its technology is recognised as being among the most effective on the market for protecting against targeted attacks. In the United States, SKYRECON Systems' business is also showing promising signs.

The Group's two other activities, network security and data protection, also experienced growth, with a 35% increase in sales of FAST360 appliances and a 27% increase in sales of SecurityBox licences, contributing to the Group's overall growth.

The Group's first-half turnover advanced by 15% to €6,078 thousand and invoicing was up 25% at €6,713 thousand.

EBITDA, amounting to €1,214 thousand, benefited from an improvement in the gross margin, SKYRECON's exceptional recovery and tight control over operating expenses.

Thanks to deft, rigorous management, operating profit increased by €980 thousand, totalling €154 thousand vs. an operating loss of €826 thousand in H1 2011. For the first time in its history, ARKOON NETWORK SECURITY recorded an operating profit during a first half, notwithstanding seasonal effects.

Net profit escalated to €659 thousand, vs. a loss of €556 thousand in H1 2011. Individually, net profit from ARKOON NETWORK SECURITY'S three companies - ARKOON NETWORK SECURITY, SKYRECON FRANCE and SKYRECON US - amounted to €436 thousand (incl. €300 thousand in provision reversals, leaving €4,019 thousand remaining on the balance sheet), €502 thousand and €21 thousand, respectively.

As of 30 June 2012, ARKOON'S financial structure was robust, with €8,863 thousand in equity, €4,437 thousand in cash and cash equivalents, and €2,533 thousand in cash net of debt.

Following a turnover of €10.8 million in 2011 and €6.1 million in H1 2012, ARKOON NETWORK SECURITY, which traditionally experiences stronger sales in the second half of the year, is optimistic about achieving the upper end of its full-year objectives and posting a significant increase in its bottom line.

Furthermore, ARKOON has just launched three innovative projects for which it will receive financing due to the projects' innovative character. One of the projects, MIDAS, led by SKYRECON, adopts a radically different approach to that of current technologies in protecting organisations and companies at risk from the most sophisticated cyber-attacks. Developed jointly by ARKOON in its Lyon-based security centre of expertise, and EURECOM, a research centre specialising in communications and applications security, MIDAS is one of ARKOON'S many initiatives in technological innovation and an example of its expertise.

The above results were audited by the Statutory Auditor (except for SKYRECON US) and presented to the company's Supervisory Board at their meeting of 17 September 2012.

Next publication: FY 2012 turnover, 22 January 2013 after market close.

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