Under the liquidity contract entrusted to Oddo & Cie by Antalis, the following assets appeared on the liquidity account as at 31 December 2018:

. 409,335 Antalis shares

. cash balance: 135,026.49 euros

In the last half-year report, as at 30 June 2018, the following assets appeared on the liquidity account:

. 180,933 Antalis shares

. cash balance: 51,887.03 euros

At the start of the liquidity contract on 19 June 2017, an amount of 400,000 euros was allocated. By way of an addendum to the contract dated 3 July 2018, the funds allocated to the liquidity account were increased by 350,000 euros, raising the total funds allocated to the contract from 400,000 euros to 750,000 euros as from 4 July 2018.

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