Information about a change in the share in the total number of votes

Current report no. 3/2015 of 16 January 2015
Legal basis: Art. 70 (1) of the Polish Act on Public Offering
Contents of the report: The Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. (the "Bank", the "Company") hereby informs about a notification received on 16 January 2015 under Art. 69 of the Polish Act on Public Offering of 29 July 2005 about a change in the share of the Shareholder Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva BZ WBK ("Aviva OFE") in the total number of votes at the General Shareholders' Meeting of Alior Bank S.A..
As a result of purchased Alior Bank's shares made on 9 January 2015, Aviva OFE informed of exceeding the 5% threshold in the total number of voting rights at the General Shareholders' Meeting.
Prior to this transaction, Aviva OFE held 3.306.451 of Company's shares, which represented
4,72% of Alior Bank's share capital and entitled to 3.306.451 of voting rights at Alior Bank's
General Shareholders' Meeting, representing 4,72% of the total number of votes.
After this transaction, Aviva OFE now holds 3.806.451 of Company's shares, which represents
5,44% of Alior Bank's share capital and entitle to 3.806.451 of voting rights at Bank's General
Shareholders' Meeting, representing 5,44% of the total number of votes.

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