Cheryl L. Cebula, President / CEO Joey C. Ingman, Chief Financial Officer
Albina Community Bank Albina Community Bank
(503) 288-7296 503-288-8495
Albina Community Bank Signs Stock Purchase Agreement with
One PacificCoast Bancorp
Portland, Ore. (January 30, 2013) - Albina Community Bank announced today that it has entered into an investment agreement with One PacificCoast Bancorp, Inc. (OPCB). The agreement, which involves a stock purchase by OPCB, will make them the majority owner of the bank. The transaction is structured to raise sufficient capital to bring Albina's regulatory capital ratios to the level required by its regulators.
One PacificCoast Bancorp is headquartered in Oakland, California, and its subsidiary, One PacificCoast Bank is certified as a Community Development Financial Institution just like Albina. They are a mission-driven bank with a similar commitment to local community banking, and are dedicated to producing social justice, environmental well- being and ensuring financial sustainability. "OPCB's similar mission and focus make this a perfect partnership", stated Cheryl L. Cebula, President and CEO of Albina.
Since 2009, Albina has struggled with low capital levels as a result of the economic downturn. The bank has been working to improve its financial condition, and this recapitalization will further strengthen the bank and better position it for future growth and continued support and investment in its local communities. "Supporting our local
communities is nothing new for our bank. Community is our middle name", said Cebula. "We have been investing in individuals, families, businesses and local neighborhoods every day for the last 17 years, and this investment will
ensure we can continue to do that in the future."
"We are pleased to enable the recapitalization of Albina Community Bank because it means their mission and community focus will live on, "stated Kat Taylor, Co-Founder and CEO of One PacificCoast Bancorp. "Albina Community Bank represents a strong partner for OPCB with a similar mission and commitment to the communities it serves."
One PacificCoast Bancorp intends to operate Albina as a separate, independent financial institution. Existing management and staff will remain in place following the investment, and customers of Albina should not expect to see any changes to their banking relationship. The investment transaction, subject to regulatory approval, is expected to close in the second quarter.
Albina Community Bank is a local, full-service, independent commercial bank committed to investing in individuals, families, businesses and local neighborhoods. Albina offers a wide range of competitive banking solutions, with a mission to promote jobs, growth of small businesses, and wealth in our local Portland neighborhoods. Albina is one of approximately 60 commercial banks across the United States certified by the U.S. Treasury Department's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). Albina is the only CDFI-certified commercial bank headquartered in Oregon. Albina operates from five local
Portland locations. For more information about Albina Community Bank, visit or call
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Act of
1995, including statements about the anticipated consummation of the proposed stock purchase transaction and concerning the continued financial performance of the company and its plans and opportunities for future growth. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to


differ materially !rom those projected, including the parties not entering into the proposed stock purchase agreement and regulatory approvai far the proposed transaction. Specific risks include, but are not limited lo, generai business and economie conditions, competitive factors, pricing pressures, further interest rate changes,

and other factors listed !rom lime lo lime in Albina Community Bank's regulatory reports. Readers should not piace undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, which reflect management's view only as of the date hereof. Albina undertakes no obligation lo publicly revise these forward-looking statements lo reflect subsequent events or circumstances.


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