Zinc8 Energy Solutions announced a Cooperation agreement with NYPA (The New York Power Authority) for the installation of a 100kW/1MWh Zinc-Air Battery Energy Storage System in New York State. Under the Cooperative Agreement between NYPA and Zinc8, NYPA will contribute a total of USD 2.55 million to the project over a 3-year period. The 100kW/1MWh behind-the-meter energy storage system will be installed at a Demonstration Site in New York State (NYS) for an existing Commercial and Industrial (C&I) customer of NYPA. Zinc8 Energy Solutions developed a patented zinc-air energy storage system that efficiently stores energy in the form of zinc particles and contains none of the traditional high cost battery commodities such as lithium, vanadium or cobalt. The technology allows for low-cost mass storage of energy and can be deployed into a wide range of scalable energy storage applications. The project, selected as a winner through the NYPA Innovation Challenge, will have the ability to provide back-up power, help to level grid demand and move the state further toward a carbon-free electric grid supported by renewable energy resources. In addition, NYPA selected Zinc8 Energy Solutions' Zinc-Air Battery technology to help demonstrate energy storage and demand management that can help build longer duration flexibility (8 hours plus) into the grid and optimize the role these resources play. NYPA and Zinc8 are currently considering several potential sites in NYS for the demonstration of the Zinc-air Energy Storage System to help benefit New York State's efforts to achieve carbon neutrality and advance the State's move to a clean energy future. Zinc8 and NYPA see this initial collaboration and installation as a reference site for future potential installations that will further demonstrate Zinc8's technology through NYPA's wide variety of customer base in Microgrid, Commercial &Industrial and Utility markets.