Date: 30 April 2009

Claim against TTS

TTS published yesterday its suspension of  work related to rig no.  3
and rig  no.  4. Ability  Drilling  disputes the  lawfulness  of  the
suspension and  refers  to the  fact  that economic  liabilities  are
fulfilled and  that the  company nevertheless  has right  to set  off
against claim for damages of NOK  140 millioner. TTS was notified  of
the right  to  cancellation  of  rig  no.  2  on  9  April,  but  the
announcement was agreed postponed during negotiations.

The TTS Marine group has  provided a Parent Company Guarantee,  hence
TTS Marine  Group  is responsible  for  the deliveries.  This  was  a
prerequisite for  Ability  Drilling  when deciding  to  continue  the
delivery program.

Ability Drilling is sorry  to conclude that  all deliveries from  TTS
have been delayed and none of  the four 250T rigs are functioning  in
accordance with the  contracts. TTS  has received more  than NOK  400
million in milestones payments for these rigs.

The Board of Directors in Ability Drilling evaluates cancellation  of
rig no. 5-9.

An immediate downscaling of operation,  together with sale of  excess
assets, will secure  liquid assets  for ongoing  business in  Ability

For full story  of TTS  delays, see webcasted  presentation at  11:30
hours on the company's website:

For further information, please contact:

CEO Hans Petter Eikeland, phone +47 56 32 43 43, or +47 93 20 81 77
Chairman of the Board : Geir Nordahl-Pedersen, phone +47 901 401 30

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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