The Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Snaige AB was held on 21 February 2024.

At the meeting was made following resolutions:

  1. THE AGENDA QUESTION: Approval of the restructuring plan of AB "Snaigė"

THE DECISION: To approve the restructuring plan of AB “Snaigė

  1. THE AGENDA QUESTION: Revocation of the board of AB „Snaigė“ in corpore.

THE DECISION:  To revoke the board of AB „Snaigė“ in corpore.

  1. THE AGENDA QUESTION:  The election of the board of AB “Snaigė”

THE DECISION: The members of the Board for a new four-year term ellected:

Tomas Svidinskas;
Pavel Urba;
Tadas Antanaitis;
Rasa Butkuvienė;
Darius Varnas.

To authorize the General Director of the Company, Darius Varnas (with the right to sub-delegate), to perform  all the necessary actions, sign and submit the documents relating to the submission of the changed data to the Register of Legal Entities.

  1. THE AGENDA QUESTION:  Approval of the draft contract with the board members of AB "Snaigė" and the procedure for payment of remuneration for the activities of the board members.

THE DECISION: To approve the draft contract with the board members of AB "Snaigė" and the procedure for payment of remuneration for the activities of the board members.

  1. THE AGENDA QUESTION:  Approval of the remuneration amounts for the members of the board;

THE DECISION: To approve EUR 637 remuneration of the board member per one calendar month (before taxes).
6. THE AGENDA QUESTION: Revocation of the audit committee of AB „Snaigė“ in corpore;

THE DECISION: To revoke the audit committee of AB „Snaigė“ in corpore.

7. THE AGENDA QUESTION: Authorization of the board of AB „Snaigė“ to elect a new audit committee;

THE DECISION: To authorize the board of AB “Snaigė” to elect members of audit committee.

General Director
Darius Varnas
Phone no. +370 315 56200