OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian opposition parties on Monday increased the pressure on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to reveal the names of legislators who allegedly acted to further the interests of other nations.

Trudeau's minority Liberal government has been on the defensive since a committee of parliamentarians that focuses on security matters last week said some elected officials had been "witting or semi-witting" participants in foreign interference operations, including divulging secrets to other countries.

The committee, which was citing sensitive information from Canada's secret services, said it could not identify the legislators or the political party they belonged to.

But opposition legislators are demanding names and on Monday started debating a motion that proposes the matter be turned over to an independent inquiry that is already looking into foreign interference in Canadian politics.

Members of Parliament will vote on Tuesday on the motion, which is non-binding, and can be ignored by Trudeau.

Andrew Scheer, a senior figure in the official opposition Conservative Party, called the committee's report extremely disturbing and demanded answers.

"Canadians deserve to know if federal parliamentarians have knowingly engaged in activities on behalf of foreign governments that have undermined Canada's national interest," he said in a letter on Sunday to Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who has ultimate responsibility for law enforcement.

LeBlanc last week dismissed calls to name names, saying it was up to police to investigate and lay charges if need be.

The independent inquiry, in an interim report, last month announced it had found evidence of foreign interference in Canada's last two federal elections but said the results of the votes were not affected and the electoral system was robust.

Scheer said the evidence cited by the committee should be given to the inquiry, which is still working and is due to deliver a final report by the end of the year.

(Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Bill Berkrot)